Chapter: 2 Habits

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"So how was the interview?" Liliana asked once I arrived home. She had the famous Nat Cole song L-O-V-E filling our usually quiet apartment. Lily seemed in a better mood, and I felt the separation of today was needed. Rubbing both my hands on the side of my face I went toward the sofa in alleviation of the heavy weight of slumber from the long drive. Kicking off my pumps I rub my hands over the arch of my foot, it would be killing me, just like I predicted.

"It went well, Fredrick looks forward to working with you, it seemed promising." I look up to see Liliana's face livid. She jumped, wrapping her arms my neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much Elizabeth!" She hopped up and down causing my body to move at the same motion as her, shrugging off her arms I regarded her solemnly.

"Let's just wait until the call actually comes through."


The next morning I sat in my final class, going over our exit exam. I was more than prepared for this exam; I had been preparing since my first two years of general education. Twenty-one years going on twenty-two and with my life ahead of me; I was ready to take on the real world head on. I wish i could say the same for my colleagues. After grinding out my essay, I laid my head on my desk wrapping my arms around my binder, waiting until my teacher gave us the 'okay' to leave. My teacher had the pet peeve of students leaving without excusing themselves, so I respected his decision until the end.

"Pencils down."


Standing up I headed for the door, my only desire at the moment was my comfortable bed with my aroma scented candles and a light piano in the background, courtesy of Pandora.

"Wait up Elizabeth!" Turning I see Kenneth Turny rushing to collect his binder and papers. Kenneth was a handsome, promising young boy; soft, carefree, brown hair that curled around his ears and nape of his neck, hazel eyes that would differ from a light brown one day to a light green another day, shielded by his reading glasses. He smiled perfectly at me, which infected a smile to sprawl across my very own features. Although he asked me out multiple times and he surely did not lack the attractive meter, he wasn't my type. When it came to him, he seemed too childish, a good friend, but childish. He wore a baseball shirt, the sleeves were blue showing his forearms with light hairs sticking up, barely noticeable to the naked eye.

"So how do you think you did on that test?" He asked, today his eyes were light green with specks of golden brown gleaming against the afternoon sun, towering next to me from his solid 5'9 while i was a mesley 5'3.

"Nailed it, duh." I elbowed his ribs playfully, causing him to gasp out in surprise, alaid when seeing it was just my playfulness manner peaking from its locked case.

"Wish I could say the same."

"Aw, I'm sure if you don't pass it there's always next year." I joked.

"Oh so funny Liz." He rolled his eyes, my giggle reimbursed out loud and he gave a half hearted chuckle along. "Any work places you've been applying to?"

"Yep, hospitals, businesses; basically anywhere."

"It's really hard getting a job with just a major in psychology. Back to the daily grind for you pretty soon." I bit the inside of my cheek, I knew that he was just fooling around but his statement was more than likely true. I hadn't gotten any calls back from any of the applications filled out. Lost in my own thoughts I hadn't realized Kenneth was still talking away until he spoke his name out.

"Everyone's trying to get a job at Black Enterprises," Instantly the name caused me to stop cold still in my steps. Kenneth failed to notice this and continued walking away while discussing the topic. "Including me, they recently opened a position for the com-" He looked around spotting me scurrying up to catch up to him. Eyeing me with suspicion, he began walking again.

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