Chapter 8

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        I think it's funny how I've been asleep and I haven't had that dream. There hasn't been one day in the past few months that I haven't had it. I must say I'm relieved though.

       My phone started ringing. I shot up Because the sound scared me. I looked at the caller I.d. and of course it would be Stephanie to call me at 4:36 in the morning. I'm not supposed to be up for another hour and a half.

        "Why would you call me at 4:30 in the morning Stephanie?" I probably sounded rude but she would too if I called her this early.

         "Oh sorry. I just had to tell you the good news!"

         "Okay. So What's up?"

         "MICHAEL IS GOING TO BE HERE IN LIKE 4 HOURS!" she screamed into the phone.

          "I thought he wants supposed to be here until September" I was confused.

          "Well he was but my mom and him wanted to surprise me so he's on the plane now. I'm so excited!!" I was happy for her.

           "I bet you are Steph. I'm excited to meet him. Are you still going to go to school today?"

           "No. I want to show Michael around if he's up for it and I'll bring him by your house when you get out of school."

           "Oh Okay cool. But Hey I gotta get some more sleep. I'll talk to you later. Love you."

          "Ok love you too. Bye!" And she hung up.


      I tried going back to sleep but it was not working at all. Thanks Steph. So instead of forcing myself to sleep I went ahead and got up. I went into the bathroom to shower. I turned on my music and started singing and dancing. I got in the shower and the warm water felt good on my body. I stayed in the shower for at least 45 minutes thinking about if things were going to be ok with Mason and I. I got out of the shower, brushed my teeth and dried my hair. By the time I was finished with that, it was only 530 so I decided I was going to curl my hair. Well the ends of it. I finished that and walked downstairs.

        My dad was pouring himself some coffee and eating a protein bar. I guess he was getting ready to leave.

        "Hey dad" I walked over and hugged him

       "Good morning. What are you doing up so early?"

         "Stephanie called me and woke me up. She's crazy"

          "That is True but I love her like a second daughter." Which that is True. Since she and I have known each other our entire lives and we spend every living moment together, my parents love her as their own.

          "Do you know when mom is leaving for work? I kinda need a ride to school."

          "Why doesn't Mason drive you?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

         "We kinda got in a fight yesterday" I told him.

         "Oh. Well she leaves when you do so she will probably drive you" he came over to hug me. "I have to go though. I'll see you tonight. Love you" and walked out of the kitchen.


        Moments later my mom walked downstairs and made her way into the kitchen.

        "Morning mom" I smiled to her.

        "Well good morning to you too" she smiled back. "I heard you and Mason got in a fight?" Great. Now I have to explain it.

        "Yea... he thought I was cheating on him with Harry." I told her.

         "Who is Harry?" She asked. Oh Yea. I didn't tell her about him

         "Nobody mom. He's my partner for a science project we have to do. He came over yesterday and Mason got mad and started yelling asking why he was here and stuff like that. It was stupid."

         "Yeah that is stupid. You would never cheat" she said. Finally! Someone gets it. There is Nothing wrong having a partner Thats a guy. "And I also heard you needed a ride. Of course I'll give you one sweetie."

         "Thanks mom. I'll be ready in 20." I told her and walked back to my room to get my stuff. I checked my phone and had a text from Mason asking if I'm ready to go. I replied and told him my mom was driving me. I walked back downstairs and told my mom I was ready to leave in which we did.

          We arrived at the school 20 minutes later and she pulled up to the front. I thanked her, told her to have a good day, and kissed her on the cheek then got out. I walked in the school and went straight to my locker. As soon as I opened it Mason came walking towards me.

            "Hi Mason" I told him sounding cold.

            "Hey. Listen we need to talk" oh God that doesn't sound good. "I think we should Maybe take a break from each other. We are just losing that connection we had before. Maybe if we spend some time apart, and see other people then Try again later, that connection will come back." I felt the tears filling up my eyes. Why is he doing this?

            "What are you talking about? I love you though. Doesn't that mean anything? What about all the memories we've had in the last two years? Mason, you can't do this. We have too much in this relationship we have." He didn't respond. "Wait. Is this because of Harry?"

           "What? No of course not. I just... don't feel that way anymore. The spark is gone. I'm sorry" That's it. There goes the tears. He pulled me in for a final hug but I pushed him away.

            "No. Don't touch me! I don't ever want you to touch me ever again!" I screamed and people started looking our way. "Thanks for Nothing." I said my final words and walked fast down the hall. I went into the bathroom and luckily, there was no other girls in there. I grabbed a paper towel and started rinsing off my face. The bell rang. Well, now I'm late.

              "After about 15 minutes, I decided I should go to first period. I'm kind of glad Stephanie didn't come today because then she'd see me like this and make me tell Her. I walked to my class and knocked on the door. My teacher came up and asked why I was late. I made up some excuse and he bought it then let me in. I went to my seat and just sat there. I didn't listen to anything or anybody.

             The rest of the day went by so slow. In science I didn't talk to anybody even though people tried talking to me. Harry kept looking at me and it bothered me a lot. I just wanted to go home and cry. I thought about his last words. The spark is gone. I just don't understand I thought everything was going fine other than the few fights we had the past couple days. But every couple has a fight or two. This just doesn't make sense. I feel tears rolling down my eyes and just wipe them off.

            It was the end of the day finally and now I got to go home. I didn't have a ride so I took the bus. When I got home I just let out a huge scream out of frustration and threw my bag across the living room thankfully not breaking anything. I was heading up to my room to just stay there and cry all night but then there was a knock at the door. I wasn't going to answer it but the person kept knocking  I guess it was Stephanie with Michael. I walked downstairs and opened the door. I was shocked when I saw Who it was.



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