• thirteen •

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"PHOENIX!" He mocked as she jumped into his arms. She couldn't help but to give him a huge hug, squeezing the life out of him in the process. "As much as I missed you, you're hugging too tight. Can't. Breathe. In. Suit."

"Sorry." She laughed before pulling away and slicking down his Spider-Man suit. "I missed you too, loser."

"I guess we just don't exist then." Hemsworth mumbled under his breath. He had just finished in hair and makeup with Tom and Chris Pratt while Mantis and Nebula were getting their finishing touches.

"Hi Hemmy." Phoenix greeted. She wasn't sure if it was fully appropriate to give him a hug but being the man he is, Hemsworth gave her a friendly squeeze which caused her to smile.

He smiled back at her. "How was Hamilton?"

"Amazinggggg." She replied excitedly. "I had high expectations going into it to begin with but it completely SHATTERED those expectations."

"Are you talking about Hamilton?" Chris Pratt peeked his head around the corner before joining she, Hemsworth, and Tom. "I saw it before we started shooting and it was incredible!"

"Have you seen it, Hemmy?" Phoenix wondered.

"I have. It definitely does deserve all of the recognition."

"So I'm the only one who hasn't seen it, then." Tom frowned. "I feel out of the loop."

"That's why we're seeing it in London." Phoenix reminded. "No take backs."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Tom quoted one of the messages he sent to Phoenix just yesterday.

"How did Evans treat ya?" Hemsworth asked.

Phoenix's face lit up at the mention of Chris' name. Words couldn't even describe how great of a time she had the night prior. Per usual, he was the perfect gentleman and she always seemed to feel calm and comfortable around him. Because she had such an amazing time, she was hoping he would ask her on another date sometime soon.

Throughout the musical, Chris would randomly squeeze Phoenix's hand signaling that he liked the current song so she made him a playlist of all the Hamilton songs he 'squeezed' to. She was planning on sending it to him before he got to set but she decided to just wait until she saw him next.

"Hamilton was amazingggg." Phoenix ignored the question, repeating the same answer she gave earlier. "I'm starting to like Hamilton a lot and I wouldn't mind seeing it again."

"Hamilton, right." Hemsworth winked, catching on to the fact that by Hamilton she meant Chris.

"We LOVE a good, bearded Hamilton!" Pratt joined along.

"Can't say it's the best Hamilton out of the three but it's... there." Hemsworth joked.

Phoenix rolled her eyes at the Chrises jokingly while slinging an arm around Tom's shoulders.

"Wanna come over and play Mario Kart after work?" Tom asked as Pratt and Hemsworth began their own conversation.

"I wish I could but I asked the Russo's if I could work late." Phoenix frowned. "I wanted to make up for the time I missed."

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