• twenty four •

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"Knock knock." Hemsworth spoke as he entered Chris's trailer with a gift box in hand. "Happy birthday mate."

"Thank you Hemmy!"

He placed the box in Chris's lap at sat down next to him. "I have a birthday delivery from our sweet, and maybe a tiny bit evil, Darth Phoenix."

"Of course this is from Phoenix." Chris smiled while examining the gift wrap. Being the person she is, Phoenix wrapped his present in recycled paper and instead of a bow she glued a plush sea turtle on top.

"I've been holding onto that for a little bit now. She asked me to wait until your birthday to give it to you."

"Thank you! I think I'm going to wait until she gets back to open it."

"No can do." Hemsworth shook his head. "Phoenix thought you might say that and told me not to take no for an answer. Do us both a favor and open it."

"Well, I guess I'd better open it before she finds out and murders me in my sleep." Chris joked. "She did say she'd kill me once."

"Sounds about right."

Because of how beautifully wrapped the gift was, Chris didn't want to just tear the paper off. Instead, he carefully unwrapped it by individually taking off each piece of tape. Once he finally got down to the box, he opened it to find a pillow of Dodger dressed as Mickey Mouse.

"Oh my god." Chris laughed loudly while unintentionally grabbing the left side of his chest, something he tended to do when he found something hilarious. "That woman never ceases to amaze me."

As Chris pulled the pillow out of the box, he couldn't contain the smile that was covering his entire face. He had no idea how Phoenix managed to get the picture of Dodger but had no doubt she put a lot of thought into the gift and he appreciated it more than she would ever know.

"I think she said there was a card in there." Hemsworth added, leaning over so he could look into the box that previously held the pillow.

"I didn't even see that." Chris admitted after taking the out the card to read it:

Dear Chris,
I don't even know where to start... You are very special to me. Although we've only l known each other for 3 months (well technically 5 and a half but does the first 6 weeks REALLY count), it feels like I've known you for a lifetime. You are kind, loyal and patient and your lightheartedness inspires me not to take life too seriously. Your presence is so calming that you can get me to stop overthinking in an instant. But most of all, you make me a better person. You accept me for who I am, with no questions. You constantly go out of your way to do the sweetest things for everyone you care about with no expectations of anything in return. You are the epitome of what a man should be. Not only are you my "lover," but you're also my friend. You are truly one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my entire life. I would hate to have lived this life without knowing you. You deserve the best the world has to offer and more! Happy birthday, cinnamon roll.

Darth Phoenix
And our son, Jon Snow: the Orca
And our other 4 unnamed children (we'll just call the the ugly step children)

"Looks like she really likes you, mate." Hemsworth spoke after reading the note over Chris's shoulder.

"I'm a lucky man." Chris gushed. He didn't realize his eyes were watering until he felt moisture on his cheek. The fact that Phoenix put so much effort into a simple birthday gift made his heart swell and the fact that he was already a 'crybaby,' as his siblings always told him, didn't help.

"Not trying to brag but I've known her for the full 5 and a half months." Hemsworth said playfully, causing Chris to chuckle. "So she probably still likes me better than you. Imagine the gift I'm gonna get on my birthday. Wow."

"Nothing tops this." Chris laughed while raising his pillow so that it was next to his head. "I can't believe she did this! I just wanna know how she made it possible..."

"She came to me with her idea, I texted Scott, Scott talked to Lisa. Lisa dressed Dodger up, took a picture, and sent that picture to Scott who sent it to me who sent it to Phoenix."

"I'm a lucky man." Chris repeated. "I'm almost shocked that she went out of her way to do this when she has so much on her plate already. I wasn't even expecting a phone call really with how her schedule is looking but this is really something."

"When someone's important to you, you make the time and put in the effort to make them happy."

"I really like her, man."

"Oh we can all see that." Hemmy replied, smiling. "From my perspective, the feeling is mutual. I had never seen Phoenix so open or social until you two started hanging out. I think you're a good influence on her, Chris."

Chris shook his head. "No, I can't take credit for that."

"Always so modest... it's not about taking credit, it's about realizing the affect you've had and celebrating the fact that you are positively impacting her life."

"I just treat her the way she deserves to be treated."

"Maybe she's never had anyone treat her that way." Hemsworth brought up. "Who knows."

"Who knows." Chris repeated. "I can't see why anyone wouldn't treat her well. She's fantastic."

"She is pretty great, isn't she."

"Definitely." He agreed as his phone began vibrating, catching his attention immediately. Reading the name that flashed across his screen, he couldn't hide his grin.

Hemsworth stood up at the sight of Chris's incoming FaceTime call. "I'm gonna get outta here. Happy birthday again!"

"Thank you." Chris waved before answering his phone. He held the phone up so his face was in view as the FaceTime call connected.

"Hey!" Phoenix greeted enthusiastically. "Happy birthday, oldie."

"Hey, I'm not that old." He defended. "I just got your gift and I can't even explain to how perfect it is! I can see you put a lot of thought into it and I love it! Thank you so much, Phoenix."

"I was hoping you'd like it." She replied as her happy expression turned into annoyance. "LUKA IF YOU JUMP OFF IF THAT TABLE AGAIN I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS."

Chris laughed at the sight of his crush shouting at Luka like he were a child. Phoenix just had a way of making people listen to her; and something about her always taking charge made Chris like her that much more. She wasn't the type to compromise her character and always spoke her mind, no matter what. That honesty is one of the many things Chris adored.

"Damn, okay mom." Luka's voice was heard. "Can I have any fun?"

"I just had to take a quick break to tell you happy birthday and that I miss seeing your sweet, adorable, bearded face." Phoenix spoke to Chris. "But I've gotta get back to bossing my crew around. Only a few more days until we're reunited." Before Chris could respond, she ended the call.

"And only a few more days until you're my girlfriend." He thought to himself. "Officially."

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