Chapter 2

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All throughout the day Hunter never said a word.

It was soooo boring.

I realized I had almost every class with this Hunter kid. The only class I don't have with him is second hour and that's only because he has guitar while I had french.

As I was walking to my locker I noticed Lou there trying to talk to Hunter whose locker was between Lou's and mine. From the looks of it she was doing all the talking.

"Hey Lou, hey Hunter," I greeted and went to my locker.

"Hi Lucy! Anyway, where do you live?" she asked Hunter.

"Watch out, she's gonna try to rape you in your sleep." Damien joked as he approached.

"Oh shut up, you Douche! I was just trying to make conversation." She defended.

"That is the worst and most awkward way to start a conversation with someone you don't know, Lou." I laughed.

She huffed and stomped off, probably to go find Scotty. I looked at Hunter.

"So, Hunter," I started making him glance at me, "why don't you talk much?"

"I dunno...I don't know what to say really." he said shyly.

"Nervous?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Well, uh, this is my boyfriend Damien by the way." I announced and stepped back so he could look at Damien.

Damien gave him a nod.


Hunter just nodded back.

Guys are so awkward.

"Okay, well, hope to see you around." I said.

"Yea, bye."

"I'll meet you outside." Damien gave me a kiss and started down the hall.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out. Outside Lou was laughing with Scotty by his truck and Damien was smoking a cigarette, leaning on the door of his own vehicle.

I always hated it when he smoked. The smell reminded me too much of my favorite uncle who passed away from lung cancer.

Whenever he tried to stop smoking he was extremely irritable.

"Damien those are gonna kill you." I chided as I stopped in front of him.

"Yea, you tell me everyday." He rolled his eyes.

"Well I just hope that if I tell you enough times you'll stop."

He took one last puff before he threw the cigarette on the ground and squashed the bud under his shoe.

He walked over to give me a kiss but I dodged him and got in the passenger side of his truck.

"What was that?" He questioned as he got in and put the key in the ignition.

"Smoker breath. Eww." I stated with a my nose scrunched.

The ride back to my house was silent. It was that awkward silence where the whole time I wanted to say something but I didn't want to make it worse.

He was just upset that I didn't give him a kiss. I sighed and rolled my eyes.


I looked up at Damien.

"Huh?" I asked and he gave me a droll stare.

"You rolled your eyes and sighed oh-so miserably," he started dramatically and I rolled my eyes again, "so whats up?"

"Nothing. Just, ya know, awkwardness and stuff..."

"Look I'm sorry but why couldn't you just give me a damn kiss?" He pushed.

"Well I could've pretended to like it but then you'd make something of that!" I exclaimed.

"No," he seethed through clenched teeth. His knuckles whitening as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

I sighed.

"Calm down. I'm sorry I didn't want to kiss you and taste the smoke," I snapped and he gripped the steering wheel even tighter.

"But, that isn't something to get worked up over!" I tried.

It didn't look like I was helping so I started to unbuckle my seatbelt. He looked at me warily but I ignored him. I started to make my way across the seat and clutched to his arm.

"Can we just get passed that?" I asked as I kissed his bare arm.

He sighed but nodded. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

When we pulled up in the driveway I started to get out when Damien grabbed my arm quite painfully.

"What?" I asked but he just stared at me.


"Nothing. See ya later." He let my arm go and turned his head.







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