Chapter 6

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I woke up with the worst headache ever. And it didn't help that Jane and Toby decided that today was the day they were gonna wake me up creatively.

"Lucy! Wake up!"

"Lucy! Wake up!"

"Lucy! Wa-"

"Im up! Jesus, what is wrong with you?!" I cut their chanting off and they ceased jumping on my bed.

"Well we heard someone went out last night without us," Jane explained with a pouty face.

I sighed. Of course. I hadn't told them about last night. Toby probably doesn't want me drinking and getting in trouble while Jane just wanted to join us.

"You guys, Im sorry...I just didn't think about you two." I said with an apologetic smile.

"Whatever, get dressed. We are all gonna hang out today." Jane announced, still irritated, as she hops off my bed and out the door.

" okay?" Toby asks hesitantly. I frown at him. Why wouldn't I be okay? I didn't drink enough to get like, wasted. I didn't have sex with anyone random...though I bet Damien did...

"Lucy?" Toby shakes my shoulder.

"Hmm? Why would you think something was wrong?" I ask him, not quite forgetting Damien.

"Well, Lou says Damien didn't come back with you guys and you were smiling to yourself and then looking ready to cry." He says, amusement lining his voice.

Does he know about Damien? No, he can't. If he did he would be in jail for murder. Does Lou and Scotty know but just didn't tell Toby?

"Okay..." I say slowly, "what are you getting at?"

"Did something happen, Lucy?" He deadpans.



"Tell me." He says seriously. Whoa bro. Calm down. I fake a smile and push my covers back.

"Its nothing, dude." I stand up and head to the shower, but just as Im shutting the door Toby shoves his body on it.

"Yes, Toby?" I ask in an overly sweet voice.

"Please tell me you finally dumped his ass out on the curb." He practically begs. I cant help but laugh as tears also pool in my eyes. I pull my brother in for a massive hug and he doesn't hesitate to hug me back tightly.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too. Now, I'll be downstairs waiting." He shuts my door and I strip.

I stop once Im fully unclothed and stare at my reflection in the mirror, at the scars. The small scars that are barley noticeable but are all I can see. From my past beatings I endured from Damien's unpredictable temper.

I come down 15 minutes later in black ripped capris, gray v-neck with skulls on it, and my gray converse. As I turn towards the living room I see Jane talking animatedly with Lou. Scotty and Toby were laughing on ground in front of the girls.

Lou noticed me and grabbed Jane's hand, dragging her towards me. When she reached me she pushed me back up to my room while yelling at the boys to give us a minute. Once safely in my locked room, Lou turns to us.

"Okay spill you guys! You both have something on your mind so come one!" She stressed. Jane looked at me expectantly. Obviously I was going first.

"Well...Damien and I are..not together anymore." I say in a small voice not sure why Im scared to tell them.

"Thats great!" They both said at the same freaking time! What..?!

They must have seen my confused face because they each other a suspicious look and turn to me.

"Damien was an asshole and doesn't deserve you." Jane said seriously while Lou just grinned.

Well okay then...

"Jane your turn!" Lou practically squealed and I gave Jane a how-much-coffee-has-she-had? look. She just shrugged her shoulders and settled herself in one of my two beanbag chairs.

"So I met this guy...but he's a real dick." she pouted her full pink lips and Lou laughed.

"Duh. All guys are dicks." she said as Jane rolled her eyes.

"So who is the guy?" I asked. She gave me a weird look but before I could ask she opened her mouth.

"His name is Joe..." she glanced nervously at me but I was too busy trying to figure out where I have heard that name before. I don't know anyone named Joe.

"Aww!! Jane and Joe! Adorable!" Lou gushed.

As we pulled up to a familiar parking lot I gasped when I realized we were at the best amusement park close.

"No way..." I grinned taking Lou and Jane's hands and running toward the entrance.





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