Chapter 8

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"Where the hell is Jane?!" I stormed up to Toby and roughly grabbed his arm. You may think I'm overreacting but my baby sister was most likely with that Joe boy and she should be with us. That's the main reason we're here is to be together as a family. Not to mention the way she talked about that Joe kid made me worry fro their future relationship.

"I told you she went off with friends from school." He told me slowly and rolled his eyes. I narrowed my eyes. Why is it that he can worry bout me but not our baby girl?

"Did you know she has met a boy who is a real dick but she still really likes him? Sorry Lucy but this sounds like you and Damien all over again." I wasn't offended with what Lou said because it was the truth and it worked to get Toby fired up.

"Why didn't I know?!" He yelled at me. We had gotten off the ride and I went straight to him. Poor Hunter and Skye had to stand by and witness our strange family interaction.

"Because you would act just like you are now and lock her up like Rapunzel." Scotty deadpanned.

"You guys just go ahead. She isn't answering my texts so I'll find her and talk to her." Toby started to walk in my direction when I put a hand on his chest.

"Stay here, Bro. She won't be as cooperate if you are there yelling at her." He looked at me incredulously but I stood my ground and glared at him. He finally sighed in frustration and walked past Scotty and Lou.

"Hey Lou, do you mind if Skye hangs out with you guys." I heard Hunter ask my friend.

"Of course! Come on!" Lou looped her arm through Skye's and took hold of Scotty's hand, skipping away.

"Mind if I join you?" I glanced at Hunter and smiled at how nice it was for him to accompany me. I nodded, still smiling, and he smiled widely back. That smile made butterflies rupture in my stomach and I looked straight ahead to keep me from staring at him like an idiot.

I looked around for Jane and hoped she was exaggerating about how this Joe boy. I don't want her to be in the relationship like mine and Damien's.

"There she is," Hunter pointed over to the haunted house and sure enough she was standing off to the side with two boys and one other younger girl. I started to walk over there but a hand shot out and grabbed my forearm, causing me to shiver when I looked back at Hunter.

"I'll go get her. You look like you're about to go interrogate all of them and I don't think she'll appreciate it." He gave me a lop-sided grin and I forced a stupid smile off my face and nod. I leaned against a nearby pole and watched as he jogged over to Jane. He was just introducing himself when someone blocked my view. I looked up into familiar hazel green eyes and froze as a strong hand tightly gripped by own hand as if he were expecting me run.

"Now I heard that we broke up, baby," Damien gave me a tight-lipped smile, "why would you say such a thing?"

"Because you cheated on me, jackass!" I tried to rip my hand free of his but gave up when he tightened his grip, his nails biting into my skin.

"So?" I looked up incredulously and he his laugh sent chills up my spine. "Look, you will come back to me and you will be mine again. You will love me and you will not tell or let on if you are miserable with us."

"Fuck off! There is no way in hell I am ever going back with you. I know you will only get worse and I'm gonna be selfish and save myself from that now." I twisted my arm and he let me go but stepped closer making me press my back into the pole to get away from him.

"I'm leaving in a week and I want you to come with." Damien said in a soft, longing voice but I saw right through it. He only wants me as a someone to take his frustration out on in any way he wants and still go out and have fun without me. But there was no way I was going anywhere with him. As much as I still love him he isn't worth the pain. He wouldn't change for me.

 "Listen carefully, Damien," I said sternly, "Fuck. Off!" I roughly pushed him aside and started towards Jane and Hunter but Damien caught my arm and pulled me back into his chest. I felt his mouth by my ear as he threatened to take me with him forcefully.

"Hey! Back off, don't you know not to treat a girl like that?" I looked up too see Hunter and Jane coming closer. Damien kissed my ear and pushed me towards Hunter who caught me. I turned to give him the finger but he was already walking away.

"You okay?" I looked up at Hunter and nodded, pushing off of him and going to Jane.

"Why were you hanging out with him if you said he's a dick?" I asked and she blushed.

"He's a cute dick and he isn't that bad! I-I was just upset that day and-" She kept stuttering so I put my hand over her mouth.

"Okay, just be careful." I begged and she nodded her head. I saw Toby approaching and turned Jane around by the shoulders so she could see. I felt someone grasp my hand and I turned around ready to defend myself in case it was Damien but relaxed when it was Hunter. He tugged on my hand and lead me over one of the biggest roller coasters there.

I thought we were going on the line so I was surprised when he pulled me behind the ride so we were alone. I looked up to ask Hunter what we were doing when his mouth fell upon mine. I gasped in shock and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. His tongue was so soft against mine and I almost moaned at the feel but composed myself enough to push his chest.

"W-what are you doing?" I managed and he stared at me deeply.

"You are so beautiful and I can't help myself anymore." He whispered then put his mouth right back over mine. I grunted and protested against him but when he wasn't pulling away I gave into the kiss wrapped my arms around his neck.







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