A Stranger from Overseas -Part I-

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A lone figure walked through a meadow of flowers, a beautiful breeze that brushed through the garden like waves of the ocean seas. The sun shining brightly down on them with streaks of rays sipping through the gaps in the clouds.

"Natsu!" Hearing a voice calling out his name, he turns to see a blonde girl running through the flowers, her hands waving in the air from a distance.


"Come on Natsu!" The blonde girl now known as Lucy, grabs onto his hand. She smiled towards the man and interlocked her fingers with him. Her hair shadowed her eyes but revealed a sweet and beautiful smile at him.

"Let's go!" Feeling a warmth that flowed through his body, Natsu smiled and followed her through the ocean like meadow. Everywhere the two went, the dandelions shook and flowed through the windy breeze. The two frolic through the flowers, leaving a trail of golden petals behind them and scaring the critters of the meadow away.

They both laughed as they wandered through the garden. Taking a moment to pause, the young girl turned around letting go off his hand and walked away from him. He watched her move away but he stayed where he was. She smiled at him, her eyes still shadowed from her fringe placing her hands behind her. Silence filled the breezy air as they stared at one another.


"Why'd you let me die..." She spoke with a dying voice, still wearing the beautiful smile she had.

The man's eyes widen in disbelief. "What?"

Suddenly right in front of him the meadow dissolved into the ground, leaving nothing but dead and withered flowers that rot. The skies glowed a crimson colour with droplets of blood poured down over them. In every direction his head turned, the rotten meadows were filled with corpses, laying all around him. Terror crept into his heart, looking at the sight of all those he had killed. The innocent souls that have done nothing wrong but were murdered in cold blood, robbing the very lives they cherished.

Falling to his knees, he looked out into the meadow and there he saw was Lucy. The beautiful blonde hair women. Now in a dress that's withered and torn apart, her wounds displayed everywhere around her body. Cuts and bruises, blood dripping from her mouth and her golden hair and stained in blood.


She smiles at him, her hand reaching out for his hand, tears streaming down in her blood staining her cheeks, their reach only inches away. Natsu was only within arms length where their fingertips were only inches away from hers. This rotten world around him moved slowly, but still he reached for the women in front of him. But just before he could grab her, a demonic figure appeared behind her. It's body shrouded in an abyss like shadow, with a sickly and sinister smile behind her.

"W-Wait, Nooooo!!!"

It pierced its shrivelled like arms through her back and out of her torso, blood dripping from its fingertips.

He watched as it pulled its arms out allowing Lucy's body to fall. Running towards her in tears, he cradled her body in his arms.

"Lucy, Lucy! Please stay with me! Stay-"

In an instant, her body shattered like glass in his arms. Fragment pieces of her still in his shaky hands. The abyssal creature swayed from left to right letting out a hellish laughter of its own towering over the pair. A loud roar came from the slayer's mouth out of pure rage but deep within pain filled his heart. But his rage overpowered every emotion inside him. His flames sparked around him, along with his cry, a powerful flame exploded from him that burned everything in this rotten meadow.

As his flames died down, the rotting meadow around him burned. Down to where everything was ashes and only the tiny spec of cinders remained within and where embers danced around him.

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