18: Soup

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Scourge and Sonic went back to the kitchen.

Fleetway's soup must've finished cooking, because Manic, Sonia, Silver, and Mephiles were wolfing it down.

Sonic shrieked. "Manic, Sonia, Silver, are you crazy!? Why are you eating that!?"

"I was hungry." Silver answered.

Sonia looked up from her bowl, grinning. "Sonic, you've got to try this. Your friend over here knows how to cook."

It took a lot out of Sonic to not blurt out that Fleetway was not his friend.

Manic inhaled deeply. He turned to Fleetway, "Fleetway, man, I've really missed your cooking."

Sonic was confused. "Wait... It's okay? You both feel fine?"

"Are you kidding? I feel great!" Sonia replied.


Scourge turned to Fleetway, who called him.

"There's a bowl for you on the counter. Taste test for me?"

Sonic watched as Scourge nodded and walked over to the bowl on the counter. Scourge grabbed a spoon and tasted the soup.

After a moment, Scourge began sniffling.

Fleetway walked over, confused. "Scourge? Is it that bad?"

Scourge, crying, answered, "It's so good..."

Fleetway hugged Scourge. "Aww, I'm glad you like it, Little Brother."

Fleetway already knew that it wasn't just the soup being good that made Scourge cry. Scourge must have either really missed Fleetway's cooking, or really missed Fleetway. Either way, Fleetway was glad that he'd made his brother happy.

Sonic turned away from Scourge, jealous of Fleetway, and said to Silver, "Silver, can I speak with you in the living room?"

Silver sighed and stood up. "Mephiles, could do me a favor and guard my soup? I feel like Manic will steal it."

Manic made a fake-appalled face and lied, "Silver, I would never! You mistake me for a thief?"

"Manic, are you not a pickpocket?" Mephiles asked.

"And have been that way for years?" Sonia added.

Manic whispered to Sonia, "I expect Mephiles to correct me, but you are supposed to be on my side."

"Oh right, right." Sonia turned to Silver, "Yeah, Manic is an angel child. He won't steal."

Silver shook his head, smiling, and left with Sonic.

As soon as he left,

"Hey, Mephiles."

Mephiles looked up. "Yes, Manic?"

"I heard that at the toy store of the big shopping center downtown, there are teddy bears."

Mephiles was confused. "Well, I would expect that from a toy store, Manic. That's not very impressive."

Sonia, Fleetway, and Scourge caught on to what Manic was doing as he continued, "No, no, I mean teddy bears as tall as you are. And, they claim to be the softest for three cities around."

Mephiles froze. "Four foot tall teddy bears..."

"And, if you're lucky, they've finally come out with the one with glow-in-the-dark eyes."

Suddenly, Mephiles had to run an errand.

As Manic took soup from Silver's bowl, Sonia said to him, "Nice."

"Sonia, aren't you supposed to be training for law enforcement?" Fleetway asked. "You shouldn't be condoning this."

"Don't tell me how to live my life."


"Silver, what is wrong with you!? Why would you eat something that psychopath made!?"

Silver sighed. "Sonic, calm down. There was nothing wrong with the soup."

"But you don't know that! You didn't see him make it!"

"Firstly, I scanned the soup. Nothing was wrong with it. And Fleetway isn't as bad as you think. Sure, he has plenty of potential to be dangerous, but he isn't aggressive enough. If he was before, it must've been from a mental problem."

Sonic didn't believe Silver. "Oh, really? How would you know? Why isn't he mental, now?"

"He's literally made of chaos energy. Just being around that stuff long enough can mess with your head. If that's mainly what Fleetway's composed of, it shouldn't be that surprising that he was... unstable. Mephiles must've somehow helped balance him out."

"Silver, I was looking for you."

Silver turned happily to Shadow. "Oh, hey, Shadow. I was just in the kitchen."

Shadow shuddered. "I can't wait until Knuckles and Rouge make up again. Rouge kept flirting with me."

"She does that when Knuckles makes her mad, remember?" Sonic responded. "She just wants to make him jealous."

"I know, and I get that to an extent, but I just don't want her flirting with me. I already told her that I am 100% not interested."

'If Rouge knew my secret, maybe she'd stop.' Shadow thought. 'You know what? F**k this party and everyone involved. I just want Silver to take me back to his house and cuddle me.'

Shadow pushed his thoughts away and sniffed. "Who's cooking? Something smells good."

Fleetway walked into the living room. "Hey, Sonic, where do you want me to put the leftover soup?"

Sonic squealed. "Fleetway, what are you doing? Where's Mephiles?"

"He went to the store, why?"

"Because you two are supposed to stay together!"

It was now that Sonic realized that the party had gone quiet. Everyone was looking from him to the very hedgehog he was trying to hide from them.

"Did you say Mephiles?" Jet asked.

"And who's Target Eyes?" Knuckles asked.

Sonic facepalmed. "Alright everyone, let me explain."

(Alright Lovelies! If you want to request a Would You Rather question or a Truth or Dare for one of the next chapters, leave it in the comments. Also, if you want a book dedicated to that sort of thing, let me know and leave some suggestions! Ta-Ta for now!)

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