Chapter 1

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April 6th, 2019. Two years since my night in Paris wedding where I, Mariah Brown got married to Forrest Neverson, making me Mrs.Neverson.

We dated for 2 years, then he proposed, we stayed engaged for a year and decided to tie the knot. I didn't think we moved to fast because our dating life was amazing, I couldn't ask for a better significant other, then when we got married we were on cloud 9 until about 3 months ago. Forrest's dad decided to hand the company down to him, and now it's like that's all he cares about, his life revolves around that. I'm hoping today is different, and he took the time out to do something nice with me, just like I had planned.

I'm now laying in bed and hear the shower running, knowing Forrest was in there, I stripped out of my clothes, and decided to join him. When I walked in his eyes were shut, while the water ran down his body. Ugh, my man's so damn fine. I got into the shower wrapping my arms around his torso waiting for him to acknowledge me.

"Damn baby, when you got up" He said

"A couple of minutes ago, figured I'd join my husband and help you shower" I replied giving him my signature look

"I know that look babe, you're not slick, and I'm running late. I got you later on aight" He kissed on my neck and grabbed my booty. I moved out of his embrace letting him know that I had an attitude about him turning me down yet again. I stayed in the shower while he got out and did my hygiene routine. When I got out I did my daily face cleanser and brushed my teeth. I decided to dress chill since I work from home most of the time, and today was one of those days. I threw on some NIKE pro shorts and a white t-shirt after moisturizing calling it a day. I oiled my face with my moisturizer and applied lip gloss. I went back into the bathroom to take my daily pics, typically Forrest would take'em, but he's on my shit list right now. I walked back into the room, and plopped back into bed, grabbing the remote to put on my favorite show Queen of the South.

"Couldn't ask me to take your pictures" Forrest spoke

"You're running late remember?" I said with a load of sarcasm

"You still tripping over earlier?"

"I'm tripping? I'm tripping? Yeah alright"

"Yeah you tripping, you always got a fucking attitude like somebody did some shit to yo ass"

"Nigga fuck you!"

I got out of bed, and left out the room going into my at home office, making sure to lock the door so Forrest had no way of getting to me. We haven't gone on a date in a month, and I'm tripping? I haven't gotten dick in a month, and I'm tripping? The nigga didn't even say Happy Anniversary to me and I'm tripping? He wants to see tripping, imma show his ass alright.

After thinking so much, I decided to sit at my desk and get work done since that always tends to help me escape from reality. One thing about me, once I start working, it'll be hard to stop me. So, I'll be here for a while, Forrest left a while ago, and I didn't even bother to walk him to the door and make him lunch like I do every other morning.

I've been sitting at my desk for about 4 hours, and I didn't even notice, just like that it turned to 4 o'clock. I was satisfied with the amount of work I did, so I shut down the computer and was scrolling on my Instagram until someone started buzzing the bell to be let in. I looked into our security system, and recognized the person on the screen as Trey, he was in his red Mercedes waiting for me to open the gate since we lived in a gated community. When he was finally through I greeted him at the front door , with a hug.

"Hey Trey" I said

"Wassup Riah, how you been?" He replied while we were letting go of our embrace, then I suddenly felt a hand against my ass, it was Trey's hand, he tried to make it look accidental, but I knew it was purposeful.

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