Chapter 5

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I pulled up in the driveway seeing all of Forrest's cars park, great I thought in my head. I walked into the house, and up the spiral staircase to our bedroom. When I walked in he was watching ESPN, when he noticed my presence, he looked at me smiling.

"Good Morning baby girl" He said

"Forrest" I said back
"Still mad huh"
I walked away from him going into the bathroom stripping out of my clothes going into the shower. While I lathered my body in my lavender body was I began to think. What has my life come to. I'm in an unhappy marriage and I just fucked my husband's brother, and I don't feel bad about it at all. I feel like a trifling hoe. I don't know if I should stay with Forrest and try to work things out, and distance myself from Trey. Or should I pursue Trey and say fuck Forrest's feelings and get a divorce. If someone told me a couple a years ago, I would have to be choosing between to brothers, I would've laughed in their face and told them to fuck off.
My thoughts were interrupted a knock on the door followed by Forrest's voice, "Riah don't take too long, you know we got Chris and Naomi's engagement brunch today".
I had forgotten all about that and I really didn't wanna go. I would have to sit up in our friends faces pretending to be all happy when really our marriage was falling apart. I shut off the water rolling my eyes, the proceeded to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I was done, I walked out seeing Forrest walking in with a towel around his waist guessed he used the guest bathroom. I walked into our walk in closet and decided to do something simple but still cute. I wasn't in the heels mood so I settled on my high top Air Force 1s, a blue and white button up shirt, and my pink balenciaga purse. Soon Forrest came into the closet and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You know I hate it when you're mad at me baby girl. I'll make it up to you I promise. Forgetting our anniversary was wrong I admit it. But we shouldn't dwell on the past now should we?" He said kissing my neck
"I guess we shouldn't, but you're gonna have to do a lot to get back in my good graces baby. My feelings were really hurt" I said turning to face him with my arms wrapped around his neck.
"You know I would never hurt you intentionally baby girl. I want us to work"
"I know, I know. I think we should go to couples therapy. We need the help Forrest"
"Mariah we could fix this ourselves"
"Forrest baby we can't. Don't fight me on this, can we please do it"
"Alright Mariah"
"Thank you" I said kissing him, I went in for a peck, but he deepened the kiss, I knew exactly what he was trying to start but I couldn't do that with him after I just did it with Trey.
I slipped out of his embrace, I ran out the closet with him on my tail.
"Come on mamas a quickie" he pleaded
"We're gonna be late" I said laughing
"They'll understand"
"Stoooop. They're our friends we can't be late"
"Alright fine you win for now"
After fooling around with Forrest, I was finally able to proceed getting dressed, do a natural looking makeup look, and slick down my edges while letting the braids flow down my back. We both finished getting dressed and were low key matching with the blue. I had to admit, Forrest looked real good.
"See something you like?" He said cockily
"Boy please" I said laughing
"I know I look good"
"You look aight, don't gas yourself"
"Whatever. Baby the sun is bussing, let's go outside so you could take my pictures"
We gathered up what we needed, and walked out while Forrest locked up.
"Aight Naomi Campbell, stand over there and pose for daddy"
I stood where he told me and posed as he snapped a bunch of photos. When he was done he started taking some selfies.
"Okay Mr.Neverson looking all daddyish" I said hyping him
We laughed and got into him newest model of the Ferrari (I know nothing about cars). We drove off while listening to the radio, singing and clowning each other like old times. We finally reach the Brunch restaurant, that I couldn't read cause it said something French. When Forrest parked, he came around opening the door for me, and held my hand. While we were walking he was engrossed in his phone, which annoyed me.
"Baby what you all in that phone for?" I said
"I'm just making a post baby, my bad" he said finishing up then putting it away. Soon my phone vibrated, and I pulled it out seeing he tagged me in some.

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