Chapter 2

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After I had cleaned myself up from earlier, I decided to set up for the surprise that I had for Forrest. I had cooked all of his favorite foods, anything seafood. So I made some lobster, fried chicken, seafood mac and cheese, corn, potatoes, green beens, and rolls. For dessert, I made his favorite a strawberry shortcake. I set up the table with the flowers that they had delivered along, with special dining supplies that were used on special occasions only. On the TV, was a slide show going of the memories that we had together, I decorated the entry way, with rose petals. Then, when I want upstairs I fixed up the bed and set up the bed with HAPPY ANNIVERSARY spelled out in rose pedals along with flowers. I set up the bathroom so we could take a bubble bathe later on tonight. Then I got myself together putting on my new lingerie set. I did a quick makeup look and curled my hair making sure everything was perfect.

I know you guys are probably wondering why I'm doing all this when he didn't mention anything about it all day. But, I know Forrest, I know he wouldn't forget today, he's just probably trying to surprise me.

I didn't want anything getting ruined, so I decided to give Forrest a call.

"Hey hun" I said when he answered

"Wassup baby?" He replied

"Look I know we weren't happy with each other today when you left. But, let's put it aside for tonight, and enjoy each other's company. So, can you leave a little early?"

"Baby, I really do wish I could leave. But, I can't tonight, I'll treat you tomorrow"

"Forrest, really?" I said, while tears threatened to leave my eyes "You really didn't remember", and with that I hung up. I got up from the table and anger took over me. I grabbed a piece of paper and a red marker. I wrote: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU TOO. THANKS FOR REMINDING ME WHAT A HORRIBLE WIFE I AM! I left it in the middle of the table with tear stains. I began throwing any piece of glass I could get my hands on. I went upstairs shutting out the cameras. I put on a sweatsuit and fur slides heading out the house to my car. I needed to talk to someone, so I called the one person who popped into my head.

", you busy?" I said

"Nah I'm not, wassup?" He replied

"Can I come over, I need someone to talk to"

"Yeah, come through, you know I'm here for you"

My heart warmed as he said those words with no hesitation. It was raining as I zoomed through the streets of Los Angles. When I pulled into the driveway, he was standing in the doorway, with his arms opened to embrace me. I got out, walking up, the steps and into Trey's arms, and began weeping.

"It's alright baby girl, fuck him" Trey said consoling me.

He shut the door as we walked in, and led me to the living room where the bar was set up, and where he had Kleenex tissues waiting for me.

"I'm all ears" he said as we sat at the bar together.

"He really didn't remember. I took my time slaving over a hot ass stove to cook all the foods that he likes, I took my time to make sure that everything was perfect just for him. And what do I get in return nothing, cause I'm such a horrible wife." I cried

"Don't say that. I'm sure you're amazing. That nigga got that job and started moving all funny, he gonna realize sooner or later that you're holding him down not that job"

"He better realize soon, cause it may be too late"

"You gon leave my little bro like that, come on Mariah give him a chance to fix this"

"Don't be acting like you care now, when you had your tongue all down my throat earlier"

"Nice joke. I'm Tremaine right now, the big brother giving his little sister advice or do you want me to be Trey the one who doesn't give a fuck"

"No, give me you, the real, raw, authentic you. Don't be telling me no bullshit"

"Aight you want real? I think you deserve 1000 time better. From the time ya'll got together until now, I've seen you changed a lot, not in a good way though. That glow you always have is becoming dull. You walk around depressed, being mean asf to everyone. You not the bubbly lovely Mariah I met, when Forrest first brought you home for dinner"

"Really Trey? And you're just now telling me all this. You're supposed to be my brother" I smacked him upside the head

"Aight I deserved that. Take your mind off reality for some time, live in the moment, live for you ma"

"Since when did you become so philosophical?"

"I been philosophical, you just always took me as a joke when I said serious shit"

"That was mean of me, I'm sorry"

"You got me in here being all sappy. Imma G, so that's all the feelings you gonna get out of me"

With that he got up, and went behind the bar, he pulled out a full unopened bottle of Hennessy, and the box, that I knew was his marijuana box. I may be a pretty girl and I may not look like it, but a girl loves to blow down on some trees even more than I love my glasses on wine. Trey pulled out two shot glasses, and put on a playlist of music. 'Close Friends' by Lil Baby played as we took 4 shots each. Since we both rather be high, we rolled 3 blunts and sparked the first one passing it between the two, as we vibed to the music

"Thank you for being here for me today"

"It was my pleasure, and about earlier today, my fault if I took it too far"

"Oh trust me, it was fine" I said winking as we both chuckled at my goofiness

"I feel like I've earned the title of your best friend after today, don't you think"

"Ehhhhh...not really"

"Oh...You tryna play me huh?"

"Nah, I'm joking. You could be my best friend...Mariah and Tremaine, best friends forever"


With that he lit another blunt, and for the rest of the night we just smoked and talked nothing else. We did things that friends do, or at least that's what I think.

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