Chapter 3

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The next morning, I woke up on a hard chest in a bed that I knew wasn't mine. When I looked beside me, I saw Trey sleeping peacefully. The memories from yesterday flooded back into my mind, and I smiled as I thought about Trey holding me while I vented to him about Forrest. He had me wondering if I had picked the wrong brother.

My thoughts were interrupted by my vibrating phone, and the caller ID showed that Forrest was calling, I decided against answering and decided that I would face him when I got home. I didn't want to wake Trey, so I quietly got out of bed and collected my belongings. I tiptoed out the room, downstairs and out the house. When I got in the car, I prepared to pull of, but not before shooting Trey a text.

Best Friend: Thank you for being there for me last night, I really appreciate it. I didn't want to wake you, so I just left. Text me when you're up. XOXO .

When I hit send, I pulled out of the driveway and took my time driving home because I really didn't want to see Forrest right now. I was praying that he had left for work. Unfortunately, when I pulled up his cars were parked meaning he was still here. I collected my belongings and braced myself for the argument that I know was awaiting me in the house. I walked up to the house, unlocking the doors, when I entered I saw our cleaners cleaning up the mess that I made yesterday, they looked at me when they heard the door, I gave them a small smile and walked upstairs to our room, where Forrest was sitting with his hands on his head. I rolled my eyes and walked passed him and into the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes, turn the hot shower on, and stepped into the shower, closing the glass door behind me.

When I got out, I decided that I would go visit my best friend, who also happened to be my hairstylist to see if she could hook me up with some braids. Wigs are life and everything, but a sister needs a break, something different. When I walked back into the room Forrest was still in the same spot that I left him in, and was looking at me with sorrow in his eyes. I ignored his looks and got my moisturizer and undergarments, applying them to my body. When I was done, I went into our walk-in closet picking out something wear. I settled on something simple but cute. A hot pink velvet romper, with converse and my Dior fanny pack. As slipped into my romper I noticed Forrest walking into the closet.

"We need to talk Riah" He spoke

"So, talk" I responded

"Listen, I know I fucked up and all, believe me I'm truly sorry. I love you Riah, I really do. It's just all the stress going on with work, makes it difficult for me to think about anything else"


"Okay? That's all you got to say?"

"What do you want me to say Forrest? Huh? That I forgive you? You can't deal with the guilt right, must be eating you alive. Well guess what, I don't forgive you, and you're going to deal with the guilt and own up to your shit Forrest. You forgot one of the most important days in our lives and I'm supposed to be okay with that?"

"No, you're not supposed to be okay with it. But, you could ease up a little. I've been stressed out baby girl"

"You've always had a way with your words. But, not this time, I'm sick of this shit. I'm invisible to my own fucking husband. I eat dinner alone 99% of the time. We never do anything together anymore. You show me no affection and when I try to be affectionate you turn me down. I can't take all of this. If you don't love me anymore just say that instead of wasting my time" with that I walked out of the closet, making sure to bump him on my way out.

I quickly put on my shoes and put the fanny pack on my waist, grabbing my phone, wallet, keys, and lipgloss putting them all inside. I started walking out the room, but was stopped when Forrest grabbed my hand, "I love you Mariah Neverson" He said kissing it.

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