Cold, Dark, & Wet

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As I opened my eyes I was slightly blinded by the sunlight beaming down on me. I raised my hand to cover up the rays hitting my face. As I swinted I saw five seagulls flying in the bright blue sky. Closing my eyes once again and I let my hand fall to my side. Waves lap against the shoreline gently dampening the sand and causing the children at the beach to flee. I close my hand slightly and feel the warm grains of sand in my hand wondering how many get dragged back into the sea each day. As I lay on the sand an angelic voice calls my name, "Quinn," they yell from a couple feet away. I sit up and look to my left to see someone who I would consider to be the most beautiful person in the world, my fiance, Kristin. I got up and jogged over to her lifting her into a hug. As she giggled at my actions I set her down carefully back onto the sand.
"Quinn I saw a few kids playing on some rocks a little ways away... maybe we could go and get away from all these people," she motioned to the people on the beach completely surrounding us.
"Of course my dear, as you wish," I said with a bow causing her to laugh and hit my shoulder.
We walked down the shoreline hand in hand picking up shells as we walked. When we were nearing the rocks I nudged Kristin with my shoulder softly causing her to push me back in retaliation. As she nudged me back I released our intertwined hands and ran a little deeper into the water. As I ran into the water I lowered my body and scooped up some water in my hands and as Kristin came close I splashed her with water. Before she could do the same, I ran towards the rocks she wanted to go to.
"Haha I got you," I taunted her as I laughed and ran. As I looked back to see her reaction her tanned face slowly turned the color of amber and she came charging towards me. I slowed down to let her catch me and as I did she managed to scoop up some water and throw it my way. I turned to dodge the water, but I was too late. Seeing as my hair was drenched I decided to style it.
"It's a bummer that you can't make a proper jelly roll without your grease," Kristin mocked as I tried to make myself look a little better.
"Ha ha," I replied sarcastically as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we finished our walk to the rocks on the shore. Once we reached the rocks Kristin ran out from under my arms and started to climb on the rocks.
"Come on Kristin don't be a doofus, you could get hurt up there. Get down," I said to Kristin my voice laced with concern.
"Don't be such a bug Quinn, just cool it, I'll be fine." Kristin retorted while rolling her eyes at me. My face contorted into one of worry as I climbed onto the rocks to get Kristin to get back onto the shore with me. As I walked towards her a choppy wave hit and I lost my footing.

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