War Only Brings Death // Kristin

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After Pvt Marshall and Pvt Allen got patched up well enough Sgt Roach told us about the next objective. We were going to another town called Hanoi. We had the same positions as before as we walked to the new objective. As we walked towards the new objective a gunshot rang out.
Thick, crimson red, metallic smelling... Blood.
I fell to the ground. I saw the two kids with a group of Vietnamese men. It was an ambush. Sweat ran down my face as I tried to breathe as best as I could. I put pressure on my stomach but the blood wouldn't stop. It slowly poured out of me forming a pool around me. My breathing slowing down. My eyelids began to feel heavier. I looked towards Sgt Roach, Pvt Vaughn, Pvt Marshall, and Pfc Price, they had shot and killed all the ambushers. They rushed over to me and grabbed me and lifted me up. As they hosited me up I saw her. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her brown hair curled and flowing in the wind. A golden light surrounded her and her smile as bright as the sun. Her hazel eyes looking at me with love.

A/N: sorry this chapter is shorter but this is the end thank you for reading it ik it probably wasn't very long but i had to do this for a assignment and i decided to share it for you guys (: Also this is my first historical fiction writing so sorry if it sucks and if you guys have any ideas on what i can do to improve just let me know.

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