Chapter 41

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"Adam is back," I say to him in a deep panic. He looks at me as if I've finally lost it. He thinks I'm crazy? He looks over my frame looking for some hint of joking or something. Some redeeming lining in my words of utter craziness.

"Babe Adam's dead," He says to me. I look up at him harshly. Did he really think I was lying about this? I think this a bit too severe to joke around or even take a wild stab at it. This is real. He's back. The bleeding cut on my shoulder is proof enough.

"Yeah I know it sounds abosoluetly crazy but if he didn't stab me then who the fuck did," I shout at him. Not in anger but more in frustration at him not listening to me, "listen get me the phone I'm calling the cops-"

"No babe I think you should-" He starts. 

"I'm not crazy," I say to him, "It was Adam. Alive and well and ready to kill me so give me a phone so I can tell your dad before Adam runs his trigger happy ass into this house and kills all of us." He complies handing over his phone. He moves away then returns with a first aid kit moving to start on my shoulder. I shrug off my jacket allowing him to bandage up the wound. I dial the number as he messily fixes the wound. 

"Maybe we should take you to the hospital," He says to me as his fingers gently move across my skin. I shush him as I hear loud footsteps outside. I grab his arm yanking him up and pulling him to the other side of the couch to at least buy us some time. I cover his mouth as we wait for something. A voice, a figure, anything. 

"Jug? Boy where are you?" FP asks with irritation in his voice. I sigh in relief as I move my hand away from the boys mouth. He stands to see his father as I hang up the phone. No need when I have the sheriff a foot away from me. "Why are your hands covered in blood?" FP asks his son. I look up to see in fact Jug's hands were covered in my blood. I feel my stomach twist at the sight. I stand to reveal my bleeding shoulder. FP moves over instantly. He seizes the bandages from Jug and quickly moves to my shoulder. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Well my dead brother yeah turns out he isn't that dead," I say to FP, "really he's not dead at all. In fact now he has some crazy murder plot against me. Here I was afraid my father would be back. Low and behold Adam!" I bit my lip as he finishes the bandage leaving my arm to be okay for now. He looks to me in disbelief at the words leaving my mouth. Why can no one believe this? I mean in this town anything can fucking happen. Honestly I'm surprised my death mother hasn't jumped me yet at this rate.

"Adam? There's no way," He says to me not buying a word I'm saying, "he was a good kid. He hated your father why would he want to be like him?" I growl slightly already over explaining it all.

"Cause he claimed he was the one who pulled the trigger on our mom," I say to FP, "look I don't need you to believe his crazy murder origins I just need you to know we have a murderer and now a wannabe murderer both back and seemingly both being a problem."

"But we have a name," Jug says attempting to give us some for of positivity in this nightmare, "as crazy as it seems."

"Jason Blossom," I scoff at the information. I look over to the older man and decide the best option is to ask him about it, "FP how do you feel? How crazy is it?"

"Pretty," FP says with a sigh. He seems defeated in his task of solving this damn Gargoyle bullshit. 

"I refuse to accept what Ethel said, That Jason Blossom is the Gargoyle King," Jug says to us, "Even though his coffin was empty, it defies logic."

"Well, say Ethel is off her rocker, okay, but where's Jason's body?" FP asks us, "And someone's still wearing the Gargoyle King's antler, so it's up to you two and me to figure out who, Blossom or no Blossom."

Paranoia // Third Book To The Lucky SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now