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Im really getting stressed lately, Jumpol is acting strange, very strange and im not used to it.

Earlier i asked him to have breakfast with me but he insisted he said that he is busy. At lunch i asked him if his going to go home with me but he said he needs to go home and talk to his parents.

I went home alone wearing the saddest emotions i could ever have.

My hands are itchy i really want to call or send him a line message to uplift his spirits but i'm also nervous that he might get irritated on me.

I laid my heavy heart and heavy eyes on my bed, when suddenly my phone rung i flipped it up and saw Jumpol's name flashed on the screen. My hands are trembling my mind and heart are fighting whether ill answer the call or just leave it ringing

After a minute my phone stopped ringing. I felt guilty not answering the call, what if he has something important to tell me, what if he wants to the troubles that he's suffering right now what if....

I stopped thinking when my phone rung again

Without hesitation i took a deep breath and pressed the answer button

" hey.. how— are—-you" i answered in stattered tone

" i miss you" he simply said

He's whispering over the phone, it looks like he is controlling his voice just to not wake someone up

" i miss you too" i answered back

" how are you now?, why are you still awake huh?, its 3am already" i continuously asked him

" which one do i need to answer first" he chuckled

I'm about to speak when i heard a womans voice

" Jumpol who are you talking with, its already 3am" she said

" who was that!" My voice suddenly raised to its normal tone

" none... sl—eep now" he said

" no whos that answer me first!" I shouted back

" ill hung up now" he said and hang the phone up

" hello... hel..."

Who was that? What's happening? Im getting nervous right now. My heart is beating so fast

After the call, I cant manage to get any sleep at all, my eyes are widely open so does my mind that keeps on thinking many stupid things about Jumpol, even though I know that he promised me that he will love me, their is something that bothers me especially when I heard a woman's voice calling him earlier.

I don't know what time I slept last night the only thing that matters right now is that I need to talk to jumpol and clear everything, I need his explanation.

I waited inside his office for almost an hour now, im getting irritated as time pass by. I tried dialing his number but the line is busy and my calls were left unanswered.

"SHIAAA what's happening to him" I shouted due to frustration I pulled my hair and slumped on the floor.

I was sitting on the floor with my heads facing down when a hand suddenly appeared in front of my face.

" I'm sorry I'm late" Jumpol said and smiled at me

My irritation hatred and everything that bothers me suddenly disappeared like bubbles when I saw his stressed face trying to smile.

" What happened to you?" I asked him after I took his hands

" Family problem" he simply answered me and stared at the photo frame on his desk

" Do you remember when we had that picture?" he said and stared at me

I looked at the picture frame that he was pointing at, that picture was taken six years ago, that is our first picture as a couple, it was taken in the room of Singto when had our sleep over ( if you want to know what happened here try reading " lies between my tears" * promotion* ) I smiled while thinking that moment.

" how can I forgot it, this was the second time you owned me and I owned you as well, right?" I said

He brushed my hair laid down on the sofa, I stared at him for a second when he suddenly speaked

" Baby, can I sleep for 10 minutes, stay by my side don't go okay, i'm sorry I haven't had enough sleep last night" he continuously said while his eyes were both shut

I walked near him and gave him a peck on the lips

" Okay I will stay on your side" I said as I sat on the sofa and carried his head and placed on my lap.

it did not take too long when I heard him snoring, his heavy breathing is not normal, every breath that he released fells like a burden on his side.

10 minutes pass and he is still peacefully sleeping, it really looks like he haven't had enough sleep last night, my les are starting to get numb and itchy I tried scratching it, I think I disturbed him because he suddenly moved and opened his eyes.

" just go back to sleep " I said

" no we still have work to do" he said and stood up

his phone rung, he picked it up but he immediately put it back to his pocket

" who's that ?" I curiously asked him

" none" he simply said

" oww okay"

" Let's go eat?" I invited him

" come i'm really hungry" he said and pulled me out to the office

We went to the nearest Italian restaurant, he ordered pasta and pizza

After we placed our order the atmosphere become silent again, it looks like we have a wall right in front of us.

" I love you " he said out of nowhere

" what's wrong with you?" I answered him

" err.. can't we not just talk about it, I want to take this moment to pay or my debt to you, I want to cover up the days that I was away from you" he said and held my hands.

I didn't response on him

the food came and we eat quietly.

This is really cold not the food, drink or the surroundings, but I felt cold for Jumpol and I.

It's like we are not the same as before, it feels like their is a big thick wall separating us.

After we finished eating we decided to go back to the office and continue our work.

At 4 pm I asked him to bring me home but he insisted he told me that he needs to go back to their house. He needs to talk to his parents. I didn't stop him.

Really OFF JUMPOL what's wrong with you, what's with that attitude that you are showing to me?.


hehehe I think this part is not that good, WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?

well I promise you that this will be the only part that has this scene I kind of having a hard time to add a nice scene here.

currently im working 2 different stories

1) mask

2) the heart accent lamp = this will be my master piece for the competition

at first I chose the MASK but the facilitator of the event told us that we need tov write 13 chapters only, and I cant take it because I already published 6 parts and the flow might be destroyed that's why I decided to write another one.

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