Hold me

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" Wait me here,Okay" Off said before getting off from the car

" No! I'll come with you" I insisted

" But.."

" No more but's, Listen to me baby, right now, we only have each other's shoulder to lean on, each other's arm to hold on, okay" I said

" If that's what you wanted, Come on"

After we got off from the car, We hurriedly run to go inside their house

" Sorry sir, Your father instructed us, not to let you enter this house" The guard said

" what? I need to see my mother" Off shouted

" But..."

" Please.. I know you are scared of him, We both know that you also have a Mom, rigth? If you are on my position, what are you going to do? What if your mom is in danger, whatbare you going to do? Right?" Off said

" I will do everything to save her" The guard said

" There, you are going to save her, that's what i'm doing right now, I need to save her" Off said

" Okay sir, but please be hurry, your father will
Be home any time by now" The guard said before he let us enter the house

As we rich his mothers room, he immediately knocked on the door

" Mom?..Mom I'm here.. Open this door please" Off said while banging the door

" My wallet? Where's my wallet?" He shouted

" Here" I handed him his wallet

" I have the spare key here, wait..."

" Slow down baby" I said

He didn't notice that piece of paper fell from
His wallet and a picture, I pucked it up and stared on it

My one and only man

My eyes were stocked on the paper and on the photo, a picture on me sleeping on his shoulder, I remember this..This was the fourth photo we had, when we finished playing soccer and I laid my body on the soccer field and he offered me to take a nap on his arms

" Baby, come on" I returned back to my senses when i heard Off shouted

Upon entering the room we saw how messy it is, the vases are broken, picture frames are scartered all around the floor

"Mo....m!" We both shouted when we saw his mom laying on the floor

" Mom!Mom! Wake up" We keep on waking her up until the guard entered the door with shocked face

" Si..Sir..your father is here..hide..Hurry" He said in stuttered tone

" No! We are not going to do that!" I shouted

I pull out my phone from my pocket and dialed Singto's number to call ambulance and police

" WHAT THE HELL!!" The three of us where startled when we saw Off's father standing in the door

" I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET ANYBODY ENTER THIS HOUSE RIGHT!" He shouted that caused us to shiver all over our body

" Don't blame him, It's me whoninsisted to enter this hell" Off blurted

" How dare you lay your fucking hands on my
mother, How dare you hurt her like this, Huh!" He added

" Because of her, all of my things were ruined, your marriage, because of her letting you go to that stupid villa, because of her selfishness, my money, the gold tha I keep on digging turned into a rock, rock thst doesn't even have value just like you and your mother!" Off's father shouted

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