Men in Black

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"Baby stop running" I shouted as I followed him running down the long stairs


" St.." I stopped talking when I rolled down from the stairs

" Baby" I heard Off shouted

I tried to stand up but I felt dizzy and lost my balance

" No..No..Fuck..I'm so stupid!" I heard Off shouted as he tried to lift my body up

He carried me like we are getting married and I felt how he slowly shook my body to make sure if I am still okay

" I'm okay" I said while stuttering

" I'm sorry" He said

I didn't hear the lasts words he said because I already lost my consiousness.


Fuck this world, Fuck everyone, I hate it! why! Why! World, why do I need to suffer right now!

I kept on running and not knowing where my foot is leading me, My wife is still following me and stopping me but I don't want too, I want to remove all the pains right now

" St.." I stopped when I heard a loud bang and saw my wife rolling down from the 50 steps stairs, I immediatley run on his side and carried him

" Fuck Off, stupid" I shouted as I slowly shake his body to wake him up

" I'm Okay" He said

" I'm sorry" I said while crying

He slowly closed his eyes, I slowly lift him up and saw blood on the back of his head

"SHIT!" I shouted " This is so frustrating" I added

I hurriedly pull my phone out from my pocket and dialed Krist's number

" Hey mung, we already settled the problem here, you can just focus on your main problem" He said

" Mung, Gun lost his consiousness, he fell from the stairs because of me" I shouted. " Ambulance please" I cried

" what?, Where are you guys right now?"

" Near the hospital, I can't carry him and bring him there, my ankle is weak already I can't stand up anymore" I said

" Okay hang in there, we'll fetch you up" He said and endded the call

" Baby, wake up, I'm sorry, I'm such a jerk and selfish, sorry"

10 minutes later when I saw my friends running towards our direction

" Hey, what happened?" Singto said as he sat and tried carrying Gun's body

" Sorry" I said as I tried to stand up but I fall down again, My knee is numb and I can't feel anything

" Here let me help you, Babe go now bring Gun inside" Krist said

Singto run to the hospital while carrying the unconsious body of my wife

" What happened to you? What happened to Gun?" Krist asked

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