Chapter 1 - The Project

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*Harry’s POV*

“Hey Harry you’re hot!”
“Harry wanna come over tonight?”
“Is it true that you’ve dated 9 girls throughout the 2 months we’ve been in school Harry?”.
    I flashed each one a cheeky grin and they all melted. ‘They all love me... if only they knew...’ no Harry, don’t think about that, you’ve got a party to host tonight, no one likes a buzz kill. Basically, I’m the school slut, and people expect me to bring my A-game when it comes to parties. Hopefully everything will go as planned or otherwise...
  “Mr. Styles, did you hear what I just said?” Ms. Bosworth interrupted my thinking.
   “Um, no. Sorry,” I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t realize everyone was at a lab desk with another person. Except him...
   “I just told everyone their lab partners for the second quarter project, did you catch who your partner was?” I shook my head and mumbled no while she looked at me tapping her foot in an annoyed fashion, “I said your partner was mister...” she looked down at her paper, then back up “Mah-leek.”
   “It’s pronounced MALIK” he said I looked up to find Mr. Perfection motioning me to the lab desk. I focused my attention on the paper of project ideas in his hands so I wouldn’t stare at him for too long. A montage of images of him flooded my vision so I had to shake my head to get them all out. I covered it up with my usual hair flip routine: two hair shakes, then put it to the left, or was it the right... I think its left.
     THIS KID IS MESSING ME UP! Oops, I guess it’s not to the left. Great, now I embarrassed myself in front of him.Okay, two shakes, right... good. Okay, back to the sheet. He’s talking about the project, I should really focus on what he’s saying. Wow his cheek bones look amazing as he talks...and his eyes are such a rich chocolate color. His hair is perfectly styled and a dark raven black, I wonder what it be like to run my finger through it...

*Zayn’s POV*

‘... but there’s also the history of the United Kingdom’s monarchy, which I guess could also be an option, it might be boring but theres so much research already done on it that we would barely have to lift a finger. What do you think we should do?” I finished reading all twelve items on my list and waited for Harry’s reply.
   I looked up to see him...was he drooling? “HARRY!” I yelled in his face and waved my hand in front of his eyes in attempt to get his attention..
   “Huh? What?” he asked out of his daze, then wiped the saliva from his chin. What was he thinking about?
   “Were you even listening? I just read through all of our possible project ideas. G-d, we need work hard on this, you could at least look at it and act like you care...” I looked away. He’s just a stuck-up popular kid, I’m probably gonna have to do this project all by myself and put his name on it. I’ve done small projects by myself but this project was huge.
   We had eight months to finish it and we had eight sections of the project to do. One each month, that’ll be hard to do alone. It was going to be taking up more then just one quarter of the school year and count as a majority of our grade.
   “Oh, I’m sorry, I was listening, really,” he quickly apologized, or at least, attempted to apologize. What if we get a bad grade because he can’t keep up or just keeps dozing off and does nothing.
   I need to get a good grade on this. I’m not a nerd, but I get B’s on everything and colleges won’t like that. This counts for 50% of my grade, so I could at least get a year’s final of an ‘A-’ if this is good. I need him to be with me on this.
   “Okay, here’s the list again:
1) Interior design- what sells: style, color, neighborhood; what effects the house value most
2) Music- history, legendary singers, influences on civilization... I put this one down as a possibility  in favor of you because of your band, Red Energy or something...”
   “It's White Eskimo...” Harry muttered clearly unhappy at my mistake.
    “Uh, well yea White Eskimo, whatever. So we have a few other choices, but none of them seem as interesting.” I looked up from the sheet to see him staring at me weirdly. Once he realized I was looking at him he quickly turned his gaze to his hands, while his face heated up. That’s just odd...he seems a bit weird I guess. Though he is one of the most popular boys in school and not to mention the school slut...
   I looked at the bell to find we only had a few minutes of class left.“So, when do u wanna meet up?” I asked Harry since the bell was going to ring soon.
    “W-what! Meetup?” Harry exclaimed a bit flustered.
    “ work on the project together... what else?” I asked confused at the fact that he was now blushing even more. What was his deal? He probably expected me to do all the work and not even have to meet up once to go over things. Popular jerks...thinking everyone will do anything for them. No way am I going to be doing all of this alone. It’s a crazy amount for even two people to be doing, let alone me by myself.
   “oh, ok...thats what I thought you meant...the project...nothing else...yeah....because we’re partners...for the project...that we have to meet up for...yea” he rambled. I didn’t know popular people acted like this, probably only when they are alone. When they are all together they have a crowd to please with their idiotic antics and snide comments.
    “So would you like to meet up at the library after school and...” I asked before he quickly interrupted , “NO! I err I mean, well, the library is just, uh um well, it’s just noisy! So let’s go to my place instead! How about Saturday at noon? My Mom gets home late tonight, my dad is on a business trip, and I think Gemma has a sleepover, so uh we’ll have the house to ourselves...alone... and OH not like that!!! I mean uh well-”
      “So you want us to work on the project at your house?” I cut off his rambling. I’ve never seen him like this, he’s usually flirting with everyone and so confident and now he seems so flustered and nervous.
       “Yea!” He exclaimed and let out a sigh.
       “So here’s my number and what’s your address?” I asked handing him a slip of paper with my number on it. I waited for him to answer, but he just stared at the paper in awe. What is up with him? Does he think I gave him a fake number or something?
        “Um Harry? Harry? I uh, well I need to know where I’m going...” I said while waving my hand in front of his face. He jumped a bit and looked up at me, blush returning once again.
        “Oh yea!!! Uh here! So yea Saturday, my place we’ll work on the, err project...” He said a bit fast while jotting down his address on a torn piece of paper and handing it to me.
            The bell rang and we both left the room quickly with everyone else to get home. I guess Saturday I will be going over one of the most popular people in this school’s house. What an experience that will be...

*Harry’s POV*

Wow! Zayn probably thinks I’m a complete idiot! I don’t even know why I was so nervous! Actually I do...but I’m HARRY STYLES. We can't work at the library in case of the possiblilty of one of my friends seeing me with him. I have a reputation to keep up and being seen with the school loner is not good. I'm one of the most popular kids in school! I shouldn't worry to much about him this though. I can hook up with anyone I want, whenever I want! Well, except for the one person I want too...but that’s not important! I have a party to host tonight. That should take my mind off things. All of my friends are gonna be there, the hottest girls, and there’s always those people who crash the party.

He won’t be there though...

But of course he can’t come! If I invited him it would be social suicide! Everyone thinks he’s just some art nerd, and I’m friends with the people who tend to give him a hard time on a regular basis. I can’t lose everything I’ve gained over just inviting one person. Maybe he’ll come anyway though...

No, that would be a huge mistake on his part. He knows just as well as I do he’d be getting bashed around by everyone there either verbally or physically. So no he won’t be showing up tonight.

With these thoughts swirling around in my mind my mood began to decrease. As I broke out of my thoughts I didn’t even realize I was standing alone in the middle of the hallway. 

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