Chapter one

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Chapter one:

"Even though she's blind, she can see the world clearer than anyone!" My mums sharp voice cuts through my dreams like an axe through butter, waking me up.
"She's blind, Darlene! She can't see. She's knows nothing about the world!" My dad retorts.
The arguments have been going for as long as I can remember, none of my parents even realised that I hear every word they say.
Shutting their voices out, I sat up, blinking a few times then leaving my eyes open, even if there was no point. I can't see, I'm blind. I wasn't always blind though. But at the age of 4, my brain stopped sending signals to my eyes causing me to not see. But I'm glad that I got to see a bit of the world, even if it was a bit. If I hadn't I won't know what humans looked like or colours and life would be a whole lot harder.

I stretch my hand out to the right, knowing that my alarm clock sat on my bedside table along with a pair of dark sun glasses, the glasses did nothing but my dad made me wear them, apparently my eyes are an 'unnerving' milky blue and he didn't want to see them.
I press the largest button on the electric alarm clock, a feminine robot voice speaks; five fifty six, am.
I sigh, why do they always wake me so early? Even though I am used to it, it didn't stop me from being annoyed. I get out of bed and do my usual morning routine, I grab my walking stick, cane thingy from beside my bed and start towards the bathroom. Five steps forward, six steps left. I memorised my way to the bathroom, not because I need to know but because I was bored. Being blind is very boring, it's hard to read, play games, do exercise and basically everything, well except for the only thing I actually enjoy doing; singing.
I start up the shower and just stood under the hot water letting it almost burn me, but I like the feeling of it hitting my body, it made me feel almost normal. I then start singing, I always sing when no one was around. I don't sing actual songs, just mixes of many.
I stand there until my legs ache and then wash my body and hair. I step out and dry my body and get changed. It used to be really hard to get dressed without seeing, but I was used to it. I slide on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt that I don't know the colour of, I have no idea what either item looks like.
Being blind isn't the hardest thing in the world, at least I don't have something like cancer or some type of fatal disease. People often feel sorry for me. I hate it. Being blind is just a part of my life now, a challenge. I hate other things as much as being blind; such as animal cruelty, annoying people, bullying, pies and the dentist. And my father.
My father hates me as I hate him. He has always wanted a son that was strong and loved sport and most importantly that wasn't blind, but sadly his wish hasn't come true.
I make my way down to the kitchen but not before standing in front of where I knew out mirror sat. I sigh, I have always wandered what I look like. People tell me that I have bright red, curly hair, lots of freckles and I'm average height. My mum always told me that I was very pretty, but what else are parents supposed to say?
I leave the bathroom trying to leave quietly, but being a klutz and blind is not a good mix. I trip.
My knee prickles in pain for a few seconds and then numbs down quickly.
"Riley? Is that you? Are you ok?" I hear my mum yell from down the hall before quickly scampering towards me. Her footsteps come closer and I feel her hands grab mine, lifting me up.
"Are you ok?" Her voice sounds concerned.
"Mum I'm fine. I just fell." I say, a bit annoyed, she is way too over protective.
"Ok," she pauses still sounding concerned. "I have an idea for your present,I just want to see if you would like it."
In two days I would be turning 17 years old. To be honest I'm not that excited like most people would be, there isn't many gifts that I will be happy about getting.
"Go on." I say, curious.
"I was thinking of getting you a puppy. To be a guide dog!" I can almost hear her smiling.

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