The Leaky Cauldron

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Harry's POV

We were waiting for death eater to arrive with Ginny and Hermione.

"Do you think we made a mistake?" Asked Ron sitting next to me with a plate of food.


"Leaving Death Eater's mother alone, she could be plotting or something."

"No, I doubt she would. I mean Voldemort doesn't know she exists and she is a squib so I don't think he or any of the death eaters would want anything to do with her."

-time skip to the three arriving brought to you by Fred and George setting off dung bombs in Snape's office-

The creaky door opened with a bang and Hermione, Ginny and Death Eater walked in. As they got closer we could see that Hermione and Ginny had what looked like a bruise on their cheeks.

Percy's POV

Glasses, sorry Harry stood up when he saw us and looked like he was going to aggressively poke me with a...spoon? Why does he have a spoon? Actually a better question is why is it so big? It's like the size of Zeus's ego sheesh.

"Hey Harry!" Ginny greeted happily.

"Are you okay? What happened? Did Death Eater do something to you?! I knew it!" Harry rambled.

"Excuse me?" Hermione asked visibly confused, that must be what I look like when Annabeth talks about architecture.

"Your faces! The bruises!"

"Oh right them! Don't worry Harry 'Mione and I laughed so much we crashed into each other and then a wall." Ginny explained

Ah yes the time I got turned into a guinea pig... Gods I hope there is no lettuce here.

"That was one weird dream you had there Perce." Hermione laughed, yup I told them it was dream I am a genius.

"Where's Ron?" I asked

"Again" Fred and George explained in sync as always.

"Well I am going to join Ron on the quest for food so I will see you then." I said.

-Another time skip to the burrow presented by guinea pig Percy on a hamster wheel-

"Thi-this is ridiculous! It is down right wrong! What about animal rights?!" Hermione stutterd during the credits of the 101 Dalmatians (we went to a DVD rental place and then fished out a TV from the 'Muggle stuff pile')

"Well Hermy while I would like to sit and chat about this movie I have to sleep otherwise my brain is not gonna be working at maximum power tomorrow." I said.

"Did you just call me Hermy?"

"Percy, does your brain ever work at maximum power?" Ginny teased

"Never" I retorted.

After a quick Iris message to my wise girl I went to sleep.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters only the plot line of this story. Everything else belongs to JK Rowling and Rick Riordan.

A/N: Hey! I am getting back into the swing of writing and I wanted to say thank you guys so much for the support on my previous  A/N! Also sorry for any mistakes I didn't proof read this. Have a great day/night!

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