{1}: Questions & Answers

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Becky slowly pushed the music room door open and stepped inside letting the door gently swing close behind her, she stood in the entranceway as she watched Jimin delicately pluck the strings of an old guitar.

He soon lifted his head, sensing a presence in the room and smiled as he saw the girls petite frame in the doorway. "Becky, you came?" He stated in surprise. "I did, don't make me regret it." Becky replied. Jimin was slightly taken by surprise with her reply as he wasn't used to that kind of reaction but he ended up brushing it off as he placed the guitar down and headed towards the small redhead. He stopped once he was directly in front of her and smiled down at her, she tilted her head back slightly to stare at the older boy, "Why'd you call me in here, Jimin?" She asked him. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you for some time now..." He began slowly. He was trying to find the best way to bring it up to her, he'd never officially asked a girl to be his girlfriend before, he was more used to one night flings. "Riiiight." Becky replied slowly. "Go on." She added. He slowly reached out and grabbed both of her hands in his, "Will you be my girlfriend?" He questioned. Becky raised an eyebrow, she was hesitant, she knew Jimin and she knew he was a player, "Uh..." She began. At the lack of her response, he used their joined hands to pull her closer so that his lips were almost brushing against her forehead, "Please?" He whispered. Becky closed her eyes slightly but nodded, "Yeah." She smiled. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend." She added with a smile. He smiled and nodded before kissing her forehead, "We can make it school official tomorrow." He smiled. She nodded before glancing back, "Shall we?" He asked as he gestured towards the door. "Oh, sure." She smiled. He nodded as he grabbed her right hand in his left and intertwined their fingers before heading out of the music room with her as they began their journey home.

I was sat in my room finishing my dinner when my phone began ringing, I glanced down to see a group video chat, I rolled my eyes slightly instantly knowing that Anoesjka would have told our friend Demi about the meeting with Jimin. I quickly slid my thumb across the screen to answer the call, the screen immediately halved showing both their faces, I raised an eyebrow at the two brunettes. Demi wasn't at school today because she arrived home from a vacation from Disneyland this afternoon so she wasn't back in school until tomorrow... Demi is also currently dating Jungkook, the baby of BTS. "Hey girls!" I finally spoke gaining their attention. "Oh, she answered." Demi was the first to speak. "Soooo..." Anoesjka began. "So what?" I asked as I dropped my last piece of chicken leg back onto my plate and pushed it to the side. "So, what happened with Jimin?" She asked. "Yeah Bex, we need deets." Demi said excitedly. "Uh... Nothing much." I shrugged. "He just... Ya know..." I began, making it sound like a normal conversation before lifting my eyes to meet the screen. "ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!!" I shouted. "WHAT?!" They both yelled. "Jimin asked me to be his girlfriend." I said, unable to stop the huge smile that was now beginning to spread across my face. "Are you lying?! Please tell me that you're not lying!" Demi spoke. "God, Becky if you're lying I'm gonna kill you." Anoesjka put in. "I'm not lying. He actually asked me to be his girlfriend. He said we'd make it school official tomorrow." I replied. "Wait, did you actually have a crush on him?" Anoesjka questioned. "Have you seen that smile?! Of course she did!" Demi answered. I rolled my eyes playfully before letting out a small laugh, "And you never told us, Becky I am hurt." Anoesjka said. "Guys, come on. I couldn't say anything." I shrugged. "I haven't spoken to the guy in five years." I sighed. "Wait, how long have you liked him?" Demi asked. "Uh... Eight years." I mumbled. "What?" Both girls asked. "Eight years." I replied louder this time. "Holy shit." Anoesjka said in shock. "Wow, you must have suffered, seeing him with all those other girls over the years." Demi stated. I raised an eyebrow but shrugged as my father came into my room, "Off the phone now Rebecca, it's late." He told me. "Yes papa." I nodded before glancing down at the phone. "I gotta go girls, I'll see you both tomorrow." I told them. "Okay, see ya tomorrow." They called back simultaneously. I smiled and waved as we hung up before seeing my father take my plate, he then kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart." He smiled. "Goodnight papa." I replied as he left my room. I quickly pulled on my pyjamas and pulled my duvet over my body, my eyes slowly forcing themselves shut.

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