{13}: The Girls.

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I opened my eyes and felt a weight across me, I lifted my head slowly as I opened my eyes, Jimin had his arm around me, was he serious right now?! I rolled out from under his grip causing me to land on the floor with a thud. "What the hell?" I scowled at myself as I rose to my feet. I grabbed a fresh set of clothes from the drawer where he kept them before heading into the bathroom, I changed quickly; pulling on a fresh underwear set before pulling a pair of leggings up my legs, I then pulled on a long sleeved black top before leaving the bathroom and grabbing the hairbrush, I quickly brushed through my tangled hair before throwing the brush down and staring over at Jimin as he began waking up, "What's up?" He asked. "What's up?! You putting you're arm around me as if we're all well and good is what's up!" I replied. "What? I thought we were." He replied in confusion. "No Jimin, I forgive you for hurting me, I don't forgive you for the dare, I don't forgive you for all that Chloe drama and I certainly don't forgive you for making me feel worthless!" I replied. "I told you I forgave you last night because I wanted to, I wanted to try and trust you again, but you need to understand that just because I say the words 'I forgive you' that doesn't mean we're back together, hell it doesn't even mean we're friends. I've forgiven my enemies, my bullies before but I've never befriended them." I explained to him. "I'm not one of your toys, Jimin. I'm not someone who's gonna come back to play when you get bored. I'm not that kinda girl." I added. "Becky, come on. Just come back to bed, we can work it out, I'm tired of always running around after you." He groaned. "Then stop..." I replied as I began heading out of the room, "Also, I take back my forgiveness, you aren't forgiven and we are truly done... For good." I added as I slammed his bedroom door and headed downstairs. I ran straight out of the front door, making sure to avoid his parents as I walked out of his garden and began sprinting down the street.

I soon arrived home and walked in through the front door, "There you are Rebecca! Where have you been for the past week?!" My mother asked. "With the girls." I shrugged before heading up the stairs. "She's not the same girl we raised." I heard my mother say to my father. "She's turned into a brat ever since that Jimin kid left her. If that's the damage a fake relationship could do to her then I'd hate to think of what she'll be like when she's in a real relationship." She said as her anger built. "Molly, stop." My father said as I sat on the top stair listening to their conversation. "I'm sorry, I truly am but that's not our Rebecca up there, she's changed." My mom replied. I few tears slipped down my face but I quickly wiped them away as I stood up and headed into my bedroom. I closed the door and headed straight for my bathroom after grabbing a towel. I then leant over the bath and quickly began washing my hair, trying to get the rain smell out as I lathered in a lavender smelling shampoo.

I soon rinsed it out before towel drying my hair. I headed back into my bedroom where I began blow-drying and brushing it. Once it was dry, I grabbed my straighteners and began straightening it before sitting on my bed as my mother continued to complain about me in the room below. I shook off my thoughts as I stared around the room, my mother now hated me because I was no longer 'her little girl' which offended her clearly. I rose to my feet before grabbing my phone and purse before leaving my bedroom, I walked down the stairs, "I'm going out!" I called back through to the kitchen. I then left without waiting for an answer. I left the house and began wandering down the street.

I soon reached an old abandoned park, it was never played in anymore and was long forgotten about, I walked in and sat on one of the benches as I stared around at the rotting metal of the old apparatus. I once had a lot of fun in this park, "If only I could go back..." I whispered aloud to myself. "Go back where?" Someone asked as they headed over. I lifted my head to see Demi and Anoesjka approaching me. "You guys following me?" I asked. "No, we care about you. You weren't okay last night and I know you weren't so what's up?" Anoesjka replied. "Nothing, I just needed to get away from the drama." I shrugged. "Did you see Jimin?" Demi asked. "Yeah, I stayed at his last night until he blew it and thought we were getting back together." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Is the boy crazy?! You'd never forgive him that easily for all the crap he's put you through." Anoesjka said with amusement in her voice at Jimin's stupidity. "He said he was sick of chasing me so I told him to stop." I told them. "Oh wow, you really are done with him aren't you?" Demi asked. "Yup... Matter of fact, I think I'm done with guys altogether." I replied as I glanced around. "Why are you here Becky and where are you wanting to go back to?" Anoesjka asked me. "I have a lot of memories here... And I was saying I wanted to go back to my childhood days..." I told her. "What? In Korea?" Demi asked. "No... Not in Korea. Here. I was such a carefree child, always smiling, always laughing, I was just so happy... And then I grew up and turned into... Well... This." I replied before glancing up and down at myself. "I thought you were proud of who you are?" Anoesjka said in a questioning manner. "I was... Until I heard my mother bitching about me when I went home." I sighed as I fidgeted with the sleeves on my top.

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