{5}: Their True Feelings... Revealed.

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"Sooo, Becky and Jimin are at the cinema, Demi and Jungkook are having a romantic bonfire in Jungkooks back garden, Namjoon and Jin are out at the record shop, Hoseok and Taehyung are practicing songs, soooo... What should we do?" I asked my best friend who was currently curled up at the end of my bed. He closed his eyes, I thought he was going to sleep but he was thinking, "I need help with a song I'm writing." He told me. "Okay, which song?" I asked. "It's called DNA, I'm struggling a little with what to write." He replied as he opened his eyes. "Sounds good." I smiled. He nodded and rose to his feet, "Good, let's go." He said. "Where?" I questioned. "My house." He replied like it was obvious. "Ooooh." I nodded as I stood up and slipped my feet back into my trainers. I followed him out of my house and down to where he lived, we walked in and I said a quick hello to his parents before heading towards his bedroom with him, we sat down at his desk and began working on the song. "This is what I have so far." He said as he handed me the lyrics. I began reading through them and nodded before suggesting some more lyrics to him as he played out the tune on guitar to me; helping my creative thought flow.

Hours passed and we decided to take the session downstairs, to the living room as his parents went out to work.

I opened my eyes, my head was spinning, "Jesus Christ, did we fall asleep?" I asked but didn't receive a reply. I glanced down at the couch, Anoesjka was sleeping. My eyes flickered over her body as I grabbed a blanket and gently placed it over her, I sat on the couch opposite her and studied her, her face, her breathing, her chest rising and falling, everything. I glanced from her to my song lyrics and then back to her again, I watched as a stray piece of hair landed over her face, I smiled slightly before reaching over and gently tucking it behind her ear. The more I stared at her, the more I realised that my feelings for her were no longer platonic, I realised I'm in love with her. Oh no, I am in love with her! What if she finds out? What if that means she no longer wants to be friends? What if things become awkward? What if she turns me down? Jesus Christ Yoongi, get a damn grip. She doesn't have to find out!

I shook off my thoughts as I glanced at her sleeping body one last time before turning back to my lyrics and continuing the song, Anoesjka being on my mind the whole time. I smiled slightly as I stared down at the sheet of paper before seeing Anoesjka twitch in her sleep, she rubbed her eyes before realising where she was, "Jesus, did we fall asleep?" She questioned. "Yeah." I nodded. "What's the time?" She asked. "Eleven thirty." I told her. "Oh god, I have to get home." She said quickly. "I'm sorry for falling asleep Yoongi, maybe we can continue the lyrics tomorrow?" She suggested. "They're almost done actually but sure." I nodded with a smile as I pulled my converse on. "I'll walk you home." I added. "Really? It's almost finished?" She asked as we began walking out of the house together. "Yup." I nodded. "Ohhh, that's amazing." She smiled. "But it'll be nice to hang out with you again tomorrow." I told her. "Yeah, it will be." She nodded. "So, the song?" She began. "Yeah?" I asked. "We were only half way through it, how'd you almost complete it?" She questioned me. "I had some inspiration." I shrugged. "There's this one line in it, my last line that goes like 'Because from the very beginning my heart runs to you' and I had some great inspiration for that." I began rambling as we reached her doorstep. "Really? What inspired you?" She questioned me. "Especially for that line." She added. "You did, actually. You were my inspiration..." I mumbled before realising what I'd said. "Wait..." She began. "I gotta go." I spoke quickly. "See you tomorrow Angel." I added before jogging away as quickly as I could. Leaving her thinking on her doorstep, "You idiot!" I cursed myself as I sprinted into my garden. "You stupid, stupid idiot." I groaned as I pushed my front door open before walking inside.

My eyes flicked open as my mother called me up, "You'll be late for school Yoongi." She told me. "I'm up mom!" I called back before groaning and getting dressed. I pulled on a white T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans with rips in, I then pulled on my leather jacket and converse before straightening my hair out and heading down the stairs, I ate my breakfast quickly, kissed my moms cheek and said goodbye before leaving for school, hoping and praying that Anoesjka would've forgotten the incident last night... Or that she at least wouldn't have figured it out.

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