{21}: The Reunion.

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It's been two years, today was finally the day I was returning home... But not to my mothers house, they'd all shut me out completely. My uncle has bought me a house within the city and I'll be going to University, I passed high school and college and have been enrolled into NYU and my aunt and uncle are paying the tuition fees that my parents should be paying but they refused to. And the gang? Well, what I said about them was right, we stopped talking almost a year ago now, the conversations became less and less until the point where they died out altogether but I still have them on Facebook so I can keep up with their lives, Demi is a new mother... She had a baby about three months ago and Anoesjka is expecting. Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok are all still at University and Seokjin, Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon are all working. But they're still in the band and they have regular band practices. 

I shook off my thoughts as I climbed off the plane and headed out of the airport, I met up with my uncle Tom who handed me the keys to a red Jaguar convertible, "This is yours sweetpea, a gift from Lou and Mel for passing your drivers test." He smiled at me. My eyes widened in shock, "What?!" I asked. "Don't believe me? Ask him." He chuckled as he passed me his phone. It was on FaceTime with Lou, "Lou, what the hell?" I asked. "You're paying my uni tuition, that's enough." I told him. "You deserve this sweetheart, and plus, you need a way of getting around. I'll be down to see you at Christmas." He told me. I nodded, "I love you! Thank you so much Lou!!" I said before passing Tom the phone back and staring at the car in awe. "I'll see you around young one." Tom smiled at me before ruffling my hair and walking away. University was starting back up soon, my things had already been sent to the dorm but I needed to get there myself. 

I climbed into the car and started it up before beginning to drive, I stopped off at my house first which wasn't far from the campus, I parked the car and walked in. I quickly unpacked the remainder of my things before leaving and locking the door behind me, I then climbed back into the car and began heading to the University. 

I parked in the parking lot and placed the roof back up over my car, I then grabbed my bag and climbed out, I locked the door before heading into the building and beginning to look for my dorm. That was before seeing the names on my dorm door; Leah Hollins, Hailey Smith, Jung Rebecca and Chloe Martin. "No..." I breathed out. "No, no, no, no, no..." I mumbled. I took a deep breath before pushing the door to the dorm open, "You must be Rebecca!" Someone said excitedly. I lifted my head to see a girl with black frizzy hair and a huge smile, "Yeah, that's me." I nodded. "I'm Hailey Smith!" She said as she held her hand out to shake it. I hesitantly shook it and smiled, "Nice to meet you." I smiled. "Where are the others?" I asked. Her face dropped at my question, "You mean those good for nothing cheerleaders?" She asked me. "Yeah." I nodded. "They came in, gave me a snide remark before turning and leaving." She sighed. "Did they now? What snide remark?" I asked. "Something about my skin colour..." She mumbled. "Right, leave them to me." I smiled. "Do you know them?" She asked as I began heading towards my room. I stopped and turned to her, "Oh yeah, I got arrested for beating the blonde on up a few years back, she's been scared of me ever since." I smirked as I walked into my room and began unpacking my things. 

Once finished, I left my room to find the dorm empty and a note on the table that read:

Dear Rebecca,

I've gone to the cafe within the campus with some friends. I didn't want to disturb you as I wasn't sure what you were doing but if you leave then could you please lock the dorm.

Thanks, Hailey x

I smiled as I grabbed my dorm keys and dropped the note in the bin, I left the dorm and locked the door before beginning to wonder around campus, pulling my hood up on my hoodie to hide the mess that was my hair as I continued walking, glancing down at the campus map every now and then... Only that caused me to bump into someone, I fell back onto the floor on my ass. "Oh god, I'm so sorry..." He said. I'd recognise that voice anywhere, he reached his arm down to help me up and I gratefully took it, he pulled me to my feet, "I'm Jimin." He smiled as he shook my hand. Did he not recognise me? "Becky." I smiled. "Sorry, what?" He asked. I smiled and lifted my head to stare at him, his eyes widened before his hands rose to touch my cheeks, probably making sure I was real, "Hey Chim Chim." I smiled. "It's really you?! You're home?!" He asked as a few tears slipped onto his cheeks. "I'm home!" I replied. This caused him to pull me into him and hug me tight, I hugged him back and let out a shaky breath, "I've missed you so much!" He exclaimed. "I'm sorry we lost contact..." He whispered. I could tell he was blaming himself, "So am I." I nodded. "Hugging another girl, Jimin... Chloe's gonna get jealous..." Someone said from behind me. "Chloe can fuck off." Jimin replied. "Hey Tae!" I called. "Is that..." He began as Jimin nodded. I turned my head to Taehyung and smiled, he instantly ran over and hugged me, tackling me so we were both now on the floor, him on top of me. Jimin was having a laughing fit as the scene unfolded and soon enough, Hoseok was joining as Jimin recorded the whole thing, "If you share that I'm gonna murder you." I told him through my laughter as I hugged the two boys. We soon all stood up and I brushed myself down as Jimin stared at me, "You have to see the others, Jin and Namjoon have missed you like crazy, Jungkook and Yoongi have been talking about your return non-stop, Anoesjka's pregnant with a little boy and Demi's had a little girl, you've gotta meet her, her name is Mila and she's such a cutie." He told me before grabbing my hand and dragging me out to the parking lot. We all climbed into Taehyung's car and he immediately began driving, "We'll stop off at the boys workplace first seeing as they all work together but then we'll head on over to Anoesjka's and Demi's places." Tae said from the drivers seat. Hoseok was in the front with him whilst Jimin and I were in the back, he was holding on to me like I was about to disappear any moment. "Jimin..." I began. "Shh..." He told me as he held me even closer. I watched him before shaking my head as Taehyung parked up outside a Mechanics store. I frowned as I stared over, there they were, all working together on Jin's car. Tae climbed out first with Hoseok and they all hugged, Jimin then climbed out as I waited in the car whilst he hugged the boys too, "What are you guys doing here?" Yoongi asked as he wiped his grease ridden fingers on a cloth. "We have a surprise for you." Hoseok told them before glancing back at the car. I shuffled over and climbed out of the car before walking over, "Hey boys." I smiled. "Is that..." Jungkook began as the boys moved apart so that the others could see me properly. "Oh my god!" Namjoon and Jin yelled before running over and hugging me. "We didn't know you were back! When did you get in?" Namjoon asked. "This morning." I smiled as we pulled out of the hug. Jungkook and Yoongi then ran over and tackled me to the floor, "SHE'S BACK!" Jungkook screamed as I hugged them both. "Fucking hell guys! You're all greasy..." I complained. "Yup, she's definitely back." Yoongi laughed before they both grabbed a hand each and pulled me back to my feet. "We're gonna go and see the girls soon." Jimin told them. "Oh, they're both at mine, something about girly time with themselves and Mila." Jungkook told him. Jimin nodded, "We'll hang out tonight guys." Jin said. "Sounds like a plan." I nodded. "Yeah, I'll ask my mom to babysit, she'll be happy to, she loves Mila." Jungkook laughed. "See you guys later." Tae said. "You will." Namjoon nodded. "Welcome back, Bex." Jungkook and Yoongi said as they smiled at me. "Thanks guys." I smiled back before climbing back into Tae's car with the others. He climbed in and immediately began driving towards Jungkook's house. 

We soon parked up at what looked like a mini mansion, it was beautiful. We all climbed out and headed towards the door, the boys in front of me. Tae knocked and we waited, it was soon pulled open, "What're you guys doing here?" Anoesjka asked. "Can we come in?" Hoseok questioned. "Uh... Sure." She shrugged as she began leading them into what I assumed was the living room. "Demi, you have visitors..." She then said. I nervously stuffed my hands into my hoodie pockets as I followed the boys inside, "Oh hey guys! What're you doing here?" She asked. "We have a surprise for you." Taehyung smiled. "Tae, this isn't like that surprise where you said it was a surprise and it ended up being a ring that squirted water at you, is it?" Demi asked. "Becky would've pissed herself laughing at that." Anoesjka chuckled. "No, it isn't that. It's better." He said before the boys moved aside to show I was there. "Hey guys." I smiled. Their jaws dropped open and their eyes widened, "Becky?! Is that really you?" Demi asked. "You bet your ass it is." I smiled. Demi ran over to hug me before Anoesjka came over to join, "We've missed you so much, girl. What the hell?!" She asked. "I've missed you guys too." I smiled. "You've changed so much!" Demi pointed out. "So have you?! You're glowing... Must be what having a kid does to you." I smiled. "Must be." She nodded with a slight laugh. "And look at you, you look amazing A." I said as I stared at Anoesjka. "Oh come on, I don't look anywhere near as good as you." She argued back. "No, you look better." I smiled. "Did Korea make you nicer or something?" She joked. "Ha! Good one." I shook my head with a smile. "We're all hanging out tonight anyways, you guys down?" I asked. "Of course, it's been too long." Anoesjka replied. "Just got to find a babysitter." Demi said before gesturing back to a crib that was sat by the sofa. "Oh yeah, Mila right?" I asked. "That's right, wanna meet her?" She asked. "Yes!" I nodded. She smiled before beginning to lead me towards the crib. She then gently picked up the barely awake three month old and turned to me, "Aw, Demi, she's adorable." I cooed. "Wanna hold her?" She asked. "Oh, can I?" I questioned. "Of course." She nodded as she laid the infant in my arms. "Aw, I want one..." I mumbled as I stared down at her. "This is your auntie Becky." Demi whispered even though Mila probably couldn't understand yet. I smiled as I stared down at her, "Aw, I love her already. What a cutie." I said as my smile grew. Demi nodded and smiled before the baby began crying, my eyes widened, "She does that, it's not something you've done." Demi laughed as she gently took the baby back and laid her back in the crib. "So, what's new?" Anoesjka asked as she pulled me to sit beside her. "I have to share a dorm with Chloe." I groaned. "I got into NYU." I smiled excitedly. "That's amazing Bex, there's loads of success stories from that university!" She smiled. "I know, I love it. It's amazing." I replied with a smile as the boys sat down and I began telling them all about what I did in Korea over the past year that they'd missed.

A/N ~ Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please vote and comment. 😇

Much love, JiminsPrincesca 💖

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