{4}: Jimin & The Truth.

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After our encounter this morning, Becky called me at around 5PM for me to meet her. It felt embarrassing having my girlfriend teach me math but I needed to learn it. I met her at the record shop before we both headed back to my place, we reached my house and I immediately led her inside where she was greeted by my parents, "Becky, how wonderful it is to see you again." My mom spoke as she hugged Becky. "Hi Mrs Park, Mr Park." She nodded at my father. "It's great to see you again Rebecca." My father spoke. "You as well." Becky replied. "Becky's here for a study date with me." I told them with a smile. "Oh yes! You're dating now!" My mom remembered happily. "Yeah." Becky nodded with a small laugh before I grabbed us both a glass of lemonade and we headed up the stairs. I walked into my bedroom, her at my heels where we then walked over to the desk and began our study date. She was like my tutor, except one that gave me kisses and hugged into me the whole time we were together. I smiled as I finally figured out my math, "Thank you." I smiled as I kissed her. She kissed back, "You're welcome." She replied. "So what now?" She questioned. "We could watch a movie?" I suggested with a shrug. "Sounds good." She nodded. I smiled as I rose to my feet and turned the tv on before putting The Notebook dvd into the DVD player, I then headed towards the bed before motioning for her to come and join me. She slowly walked over and laid in my arms on the bed, she then cuddled into my side as the movie began, "A romantic movie, Jimin? Who knew you had that side to you?" Becky laughed jokingly. "Shhhh, don't tell the boys." I laughed. She smiled and rested her head against my chest as she stared over at the TV.

I woke up to the sound of somebody in my bedroom, my eyes slowly flickered open and I saw all six boys gathered around the bed. When I glanced down I noticed that Becky was still fast asleep on my chest and The Notebook title screen was playing. Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows at me, "What are you guys doing here?" I asked sleepily through a small yawn. "We came by to see if you wanted to hang out." Hoseok replied. "How long have you all being stood here?" I questioned. "About ten minutes." Taehyung told me. I nodded before brushing the sleep out of my eyes before watching as Yoongi laid across the end of my bed by our feet, probably wanting to fall asleep himself. Becky soon began waking up, "Hey sleepyhead." I spoke sweetly. "Hey, sorry about that, I didn't mean to nap." She replied sleepily before rubbing her eyes and noticing the boys. "Oh, hey guys!" She smiled brightly. "Hey Bec!" They replied just as cheerily. This caused her to smile before pushing herself to sit up and straighten her hair out slightly, "I best go, I told my mom I'd go out for a meal with her and my dad tonight so." She said as she turned to me. I nodded and smiled before leaning over and placing a soft, lingering kiss against her lips. She kissed back before smiling and getting up, "See you tomorrow?" She asked. "See you tomorrow." I confirmed. She smiled as she walked out of the door and down the stairs, I soon heard the front door open and close before glancing on the window to see her walking down the street.

I turned my head back to the boys as I pushed myself to sit up, "Fellas." I nodded. "Talk to us, Jimin. You're feeling aren't you?" Jungkook said. I quickly grabbed the remote and turned the dvd off before turning to them, "I think so, I'm not sure guys." I sighed. "We like her, she's sweet." Namjoon said as he sat on the edge of my bed. "I didn't think I'd say this but if she doesn't find out about the dare, I don't mind you staying with her after the month is up, I'll even still give you the one thousand dollars." He added with a smile. "Yeah, we like having her around, she's a nice girl." Taehyung put in with a smile. "She's also a good friend. Demi's told me tons of stories about their shenanigans, they get in loads of situations that get them in trouble but Becky usually manages to talk her way out of the trouble and they're fine again." Jungkook spoke. "Becky is quite the talker." Yoongi put in tiredly. "I love her guys." I spoke up. This caused them all to stop and to look at me in shock, "You're in love?" Jin questioned. "Yeah." I nodded. "Who are you and what have you done with Jimin?" Hoseok asked. "I never thought I'd say it before but not one single girl has crossed my mind since been with Becky, not one single person. I've been all about Becky. I love her." I told them. "Wow, he's finally used the 'L' word to describe how he feels for a girl rather than the usual 'I wanna have sex with that one' line that he uses." Jungkook laughed. "Shut up, Jungkook-ah." I spoke as I threw my pillow at him. "Have you told her that you love her?" Yoongi asked. "Have you told Anoesjka that you love her?" I retorted. "Anoesjka and I are just best friends." Yoongi replied. "Riiiight." I spoke disbelievingly. "I'm waiting for the right time to tell her, I don't wanna rush her." I told them. "Rush her?! Dude, the girl has liked you for eight years!" Jungkook suddenly blurted out. "What?!" I questioned as his hand flew to cover his mouth.

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