Chapter Three

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5 days later:

I woke up with a spring in my step. The air smelt different, fresher, cleaner. I jumped in my shower and indulged in a long one, letting the hot water melt away any worries of finding my mate. Because today I'm 21. Finally.

I hopped out of the shower and found a white sun dress in my closet, I hadn't worn this in years. Slipping it over my head, I then went to style my hair in loose curls and put on my makeup. Nothing too heavy, just a little to make my complexion even and my eyes bright.

I skipped down stairs to be greeted by my family and friends. Stephan, who I hadn't seen in over a year arrived with his mate Layla this morning. He was my close friend in high school and I was so happy to see him happy with his mate!

I ran over to him and he engulfed me in a hug, before Layla worked her way in to wish me a happy birthday.

Sarah was here too, a gift in hand as she hugged me and told me to open it in private. I giggled at the thought of what she had gotten me and I would wait to open it later because I just knew it was something inappropriate.

Mum and dad had already begun setting up for the party, Dad was bossing pack members around as they set up lights and tables. Mum was in the kitchen with some of the other mums preparing a feast that looked like it could feed an army. Meanwhile, guests from other packs started arriving. Because we are a fairly big pack, a lot of the alphas and their mates were staying in the pack house. Some of the other members stayed at a hotel not far from our territory as to not impose.

As the day went on, Sarah and I went to my room to get ready for the party. I took the opportunity to open my gift and I wasn't surprised to see a set of sexy panties and matching bra and a box of condoms. All the note said was "Enjoy your gift, I know your mate will. I don't want to be an aunty for atleast a year!" I laughed and threw the box of condoms at her head while she was doing her mascara, bumping her arm and smudging it across her face. The look she gave me was thunderous and I didn't want to take my chances, so I ran into the bathroom and locked the door while she screamed from the other side that I was a whore and she would get me back.

Once she calmed down, I got dressed and she helped me pin my hair in to an up do. I put on a bright red lipstick and my black strappy heels and I was ready for the night.

I could hear other people talking, mingling, and as I was leaving my room the DJ for the night started playing out the back of the house. Sarah and I made our way down to the party and started drinking.


Three hours later and I was moderately drunk. It takes a lot for wolves to get drunk, and believe me I did drink a lot. But it's my party and I can do what I want.

I stumbled from the kitchen to the living room, trying to find Sarah. "Damn heels" I mumbled as I nearly fell flat on my face for what must have been the hundredth time tonight. I spotted her in the corner, making out with Liam, the Betas son from our pack. He was cute and she seemed to be having fun so I made my way back to the bar to get another round of shots.

I was half way there when I smelt the most delicious smell I had ever smelt my whole life. Mint, woods, musk, God it was intoxicating. I sniffed around but it was gone again and I sulked back to the bar. I sat down, downing my row of straight vodka shots when I heard my friend Tom come up behind me, I'd known him for years. He was a gorgeous guy and we had tried dating once but it just didn't work.

"Hey Cutie" he whispered as he leant in from behind me to grab his drink from the bar. I shivered a bit as I swivelled around on the bar stool to greet him.

My wolf was stirring and whining but I couldn't figure out why. He couldn't be my mate could he?

"Hey Tom" I slurred as I attempted to stand up, only to fall because of my damn heels again. He caught me around the waist and my wolf whined again. I could feel his breath on my neck and in my drunken state I felt confident enough to tell him what I was thinking.

"You're really handsome, you know *hiccup* that?" I said as I swayed backwards.

"I know Clar, girls tell me all the time. But hearing it from you is something else" he mumbled in my ear as I felt his teeth graze my ear lobe.

Suddenly a door slammed open and I saw the most attractive and horrifying man I've ever seen in my life in the door way. He was tall, ducking under the door frame with jet black hair and black eyes. I could see his muscles ripple under his white business shirt and I found myself wondering what they felt like... Then the door fell off its hinges and his fingers were indented in to the wooden frame from his grip. I snapped back to reality and realised he was staring right at me!

My wolf started whining again and I shrunk in to Toms chest. The man at the door was staring at him murderously as he stalked towards us.

"Let go of her" he growled venomously "NOW!"

"And who the fuck are you HUH?" Spat Tom as he turned to face the fuming stranger.

His eyes were black and he shook with anger "HER MATE" he boomed, his alpha status clear as power rolled off his words and as realisation dawned on Toms face, he backed off and left me with this man. My eyes met his and I was terrified, I think he's going to kill us I whispered to my wolf as I looked at my feet

No he won't.. He loves us, OUR MATE LOVES US she sang gleefully.

My mate took another step and closed the distance between us and I meekly look up as he towered over me. I swayed backwards and stumbled a little, still drunk and now terrified. I nearly fell but before my legs gave way, I felt a strong arm grip around my waist and I was pulled forward, slamming in to my mates chest.

"Mine" he growled and I nodded against his chest. The sparks where his body touched mine were addictive, I wanted to take all my clothes off and just jump on him. The electricity burned and I hoped he felt it too. As I swayed backwards again he looked down and sneered "what the fuck is wrong with you?! Are you fucking drunk?!"

"It's.. It's m-my b-bi-birthday" I stuttered as I looked back down again. I couldn't bare to look in his eyes, the disgust I knew was there. I felt ashamed and scared and then I realised, why can't I be drunk on MY birthday, it's MY birthday! So I shoved him away, much to the distaste of my wolf and turned on my heel.

I felt a hand grip my arm and pull me back to him, where he growled at me. I wasn't taking no for an answer and ripped my arm from his grip and stormed off.

I could hear him behind me, storming after me, heavy foot steps quickening until he grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around. He effortlessly threw me over his shoulders and began to leave my house.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Where do you think you're taking me?!" I screamed as i thrashed around and kicked him.

"Im taking what's mine now shut the fuck up, we're going back to my territory right now" he said calmly as he continued to stalk out of the pack house and towards the road.

"NO YOU'RE NOT I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU OR YOUR PACK" I screeched and he dropped me on the ground in front of him. If I was a human, I would have broken a bone, so I shot him a deadly look waiting for him to respond.

"I am Alpha Ryan Black, of the Blood Moon pack and YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT ME" he boomed. I shuddered and backed away.. Alpha Black? The Blood Moons? They were ruthless. Their Alpha was a murderer and had an ice heart. He didn't give a shit about anyone or anything except gaining pack land and power. And.. And he's supposed to be my mate?

I went from drunk to sober as soon as the words left his mouth. Alpha Black was my mate.. Alpha.. Black.. My.. Mate. I couldn't do it.. I can't be their Luna.. I just.. And then as I swayed back again, I gave in to my legs and my head, and as I collapsed on the ground I let the darkness swallow me whole.


Thanks for reading another chapter guys! If people read and vote for this book and the chapters I have posted, then I'll continue writing. Maybe a chapter with Ryan's POV? Who knows!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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