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"Hmph.. make an improved replica they said.. it will be EASY they said.." 

Doctor Psychobos's pincers fiddled with pieces of tech as he used multiple lenses on mechanical arms to magnify the image of his work.. some sort of machinery spread out on a wooden table in what appeared to be a massive temple-like basement. 

"Doth the doctor's voice deceive me? Is he.. Ill content with his accommodations? And I use the term Loosely.." said a mocking voice

"Mocking me with my own phrase? And I use the term loosely.." Psychobos grumbled. "My own refusal to adhere to proper Terran language of English is FAR from a lack in intelligence I assure you.. I find my own customized speech to be.. invigorating... and I use the term-."

"Loosely, yeah yeah, I get it.. " Marian Slingeneyer, appeared from the shadows.. her white braided hair glinting in the light as her tan skin seemed to grow pale next to the magnified lights attached to Psychobos's work station.  Still wearing her large overalls which had absolutely NO undergarments underneath.. (due to her not really caring about clothes in general). 


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Marian Slingeneyer

Race: Dvergr (Human race)

Association: GREMLIN

Power: As a Dvergr, a near extinct race of human (known as dwarves in Norse mythology) well practiced in Transmutation Magic, Marian can create devastating weapons and tools, some of which are capable of being wielded as God's Weapons. Her magic is nearly a lost art as she is the last of her kind... and she is one of the only humans with a smidgeon of knowledge on Numensapien Weapon Forging (though she is unaware of the true nature of Numensapiens).  Her Transmutation tools and magic can also be used as deadly gruesome weapons.. able to reconfigure human cells and body materials to do anything from transform her enemy into furniture.. to decapitating somebody by transforming their head into a birdhouse. 

Other Facts: 

Marian, unlike most magicians, is thoroughly interested in modern technology, as well as Alien technology. She thinks of Azmuth as a kindred spirit in the forging of legendary items, and wishes to learn how the Omnitrix works so she can forge her own. 


"Your criticisms of my work are unneeded here.. The Fair Lady wishes for me to complete the devices.. and I will.. ON schedule." said Psychobos. "Your Azmuth worshiping face irks me.. and I use the Term... Loosely on a different scale.."

"Boss lady felt I could help accelerate your work schedule... get you to move it.." said Marian, adjusting her glasses and winking in a slightly playful manner.  "And I don't WORSHIP Azmuth.. I simply see him as a formidable enemy.. one I intend to equal."

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: New Testament. Vol. 1.Where stories live. Discover now