Chapter 15

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As Jihyun worked on his music, Yoongi watched is adoration. The young male managed to capture his heart somehow, but Yoongi wasn't complaining.

"Hyung? Can you help me out real quick?" Jihyun asked, looking at him.

"U-uh Yeah, what's up?" Yoongi asked standing next to the working male.

"Can you tell me how this sounds?" Jihyun held a pair of headphones in his hand, and Yoongi took them and placed them over his ears.

Jihyun presses play and a soft instrumental started to play. The guitar came in and Jihyun's vocals came through.

When the song was over, Yoongi looked amaze.
"That was...wonderful, I only thought you could rap," Yoongi admitted and he took the headphones off and handed them back to Jihyun.

"I kinda do everything now that I'm flying solo. But, it's a relief, because I won't have to sort through who gets what lines and such. It's an easier way, sort of," Jihyun explained, turning his chair to face the very pale male.

"That makes sense.." Yoongi nodded in thought, and Jihyun groaned.
"Well, that's all I'm doing for today. I can't overwork myself, now can I?" Jihyun smirked over his shoulder, and Yoongi hit him.

"Hyung!" Jihyun whined playfully, and Yoongi blushed.
"Don't look at me like that..." Yoongi mumbled, and Jihyun smirked once again.

"Like what, Hyung? Like this?" Jihyun towered over him, enjoying that he was taller than his hyung. Yoongi's blush deepened as he stared at Jihyun, and decided to just fuck it.

He grabbed Jihyun's shirt and yanked him down, placing his lips on his.
Jihyun was in shock at what Yoongi just pulled, but he didn't move away. His heart was racing and he felt all warm.

He closed his eyes and relaxed his tense shoulders, melting into the kiss. Yoongi pulled away and looked down.

"Hyung..?" Jihyun asked and when Yoongi tried to rush past him, he grabbed his arm, keeping him in the studio.

"Are you going to explain yourself?" Jihyun asked expectantly, looking at him in hope.

"I-I...I like you, okay? And...I don't think I've ever felt so strongly about someone before...I feel all jittery and excited around you.." Yoongi softly explained, and Jihyun smiled. He crouched down in front of Yoongi, looking up into his eyes.

He saw the look of hesitance and the way he thought he was going to be rejected.

"Hyung...I feel the same, but it's hard to explain. Like, I feel really warm and fuzzy around you, but it's just weird because...I think I like all you guys..." Jihyun explained, and Yoongi looked back into his eyes.

"You mean, you like all of us? Like Jin? And Namjoon? And Jimin and Jungkook and-"
"Yes, hyung...I don't know what to do..." Jihyun sighed, and Yoongi nodded.

"How about we just wait..." Yoongi offered, and Jihyun nodded.

"Sounds good to me, hyungie," Jihyun smiled and got up, Yoongi walking down the stairs and Jihyun walked into his room to get something.

"Jin-hyung...can I talk to you? Alone?" Yoongi asked, and Jin got concerned.

He nodded and took him upstairs into his room, passing Jihyun on the way. Jin closed the door and locked it, sitting on the bed across from Yoongi.

"What did you need to talk about? Everything okay?" Jin asked in worry, and Yoongi nodded.

"Yeah, but lately...I found myself liking someone.."

"Who?!" Jin asked, wanting to know.

"U-um...Jihyun?" Yoongi said softly, and Jin gasped.

"What a coincidence! I mean-okay. Does he know?" Jin asked, and Yoongi nodded. Jin's heart dropped, he wouldn't be able to be with Jihyun.

If Yoongi liked Jihyun, then he'll want him to be happy. He'll push his feelings aside for Yoongi to be happy.

"That's good! I-I'm happy for you, Yoongs!" Jin smiled painfully, his heart hurting at the news.

"Thanks Jin..." Yoongi smiles and left the room, closing the door. Jin dropped his smile and tears came down his face. He quickly wiped them away and put on some shoes and grabbed his wallet and jacket.

He left his room and walked down the stairs towards the front door.

"I'm going out guys! I'll be back soon!" Jin yelled, and he saw Jihyun and Yoongi smiling. His heart clenched and when Jihyun looked over at him, he booked it. He closed the door and ran.

Jihyun grew worried and slipped his shoes on, grabbing his keys and left unexpectedly. The rest of BTS shrugged their shoulders and continued with what they were doing.

Jihyun looked and saw Jin's figure running, and took off after him. He yelled his name through the empty street to get him stop. He saw Jin look behind him and saw a tear roll down his cheek.

"Jin! Please!" Jihyun's breathing got harder but he didn't stop running. He eventually got closer to Jin, and when Jin went to look behind him, he got startled and tripped, tumbling down a small hill.

Jihyun yelled his name in worry,sliding down the hall seeing Jin's body stop moving. Worry took over and he dashed to Jin, sliding on his knees as tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"Jin? Jin please!" Jihyun places his head onto Jin's chest and found a heartbeat. He cried as he begged for Jin to open his eyes.

Jin groaned and heard Jihyun crying, feeling bad.

"Jihyun..." Jin called weary and Jihyun's head shot up, tears still running down his cheeks. He sobbed into Jin's chest, his worried words becoming muffled.

"Why'd you follow me..?" Jin asked meekly, and Jihyun hit his chest.

"Because...because I like you! I wasn't about to let you leave without a proper explanation when you looked so hurt!" Jihyun yelled, Jin feeling guilty.

He raised his hand to wipe Jihyun's tears and the sobbing male leaned into Jin's soft touch. He cried softly now that he knew Jin was awake.

"Your so stupid!" Jihyun spat, and Jin only smiled.
"Did you really mean it? That you like me?" Jin asked softly, not wanting to be wrong.

"Of course I meant it!"

"Prove it."

Jihyun crashes his lips onto his, Jin being shocked that Jihyun actually was kissing him, but he kissed back none the less.

BTS x Male: Jihyun <1>Where stories live. Discover now