Finding Him.

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Tony's pov

I woke up about an hour after my alcholic state... My head aching in pain.

"Fuck." I muttered,grasping my head tightly

I looked over to my desk, seeing the list of names and an empty tequila bottle besides it.

I let out a deep growl, reaching over and grabbing the list, rubbing my left eye as my tail perked and swished around.

My eyes widened, reading the one name that caught my eye early before I had fallen asleep.

"Stephen Strange"

That name...

Why was it..

So.. Familiar..?

I squinted my eyes, staring at the name for almost 2 minutes straight.

Until it suddenly clicked.

It was Stephen.



My eyes widened, as I hopped from my bed, hurtling myself to my lab, not caring about the tremendous headache I was having at the moment.

"FRIDAY! Give me background info on Stephen Strange!!!" I yelled, running down the stairs that led to my lab rapidly.

"Ok sir.", Friday replied, as I rolled into my chair and stared at the screen.

"Stephen Vincent Strange. Retired neurosurgeon. Former sorcerer of New York Sanctum and protector of time stone. Would you like to make an appointment with him sir?" Friday said, as I stayed seated in my chair, a cheshire grin forming into my face.

I got up from my seat and cheered happily.

I couldn't believe it.

I was going to meet him again.

For the first time in decades.

A true miracle.

"Yes! When is he available?!" I sputtered, staring onto my screen curiously.

"2:30 pm sir. Shall I aware him..?" Friday asked, as I glanced at the clock, seeing it was 12:50 pm.

"Yes! Ok schedule it for me and remind me fri." I exhaled, holding in my extreme joy.

"Scheduled sir."

I hollered in joy, excitement rushing through my veins.

"Friday,show me some pictures and footage of him please." I said whilst sipping a bottle of water, trying to calm the fuck down.

"Alright sir." She said, as hundreds of pictures appeared on screen.

I choked on my water, seeing it was the exact same Stephen I had met in 1st grade.

aNd jUst to iNfOrm yOu,there was a picture of Stephen sexily walking in a black and white suit wHich I must say, is pReTtY hAwT in my oPinIon.

I stared at his blue/green eyes. The way his cheekbones were and his goddam body was all formed like a fucking GOD!

Im not saying im gay for Stephen... But ehhh... He is pretty hot..

I suddenly swiped to a video and had decided to watch it since there was still 1:15 minues to get ready.

I stood there, seeing Stephen and his magical figure on screen.

He had teleported from the top of a burning building to the ground, cupping something in his arms and sprinting through the fire.

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