Chapter 6

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I dashed out the treeline, sprinting towards the dorm rooms. I didn't take the time to check if that...that thing, was following me and just kept running. My mind raced faster than my feet. What was that? What did it want with Aaron? was it strong enough to lift him up like that? It moved like it wasn't even touching the ground, gliding effortlessly across the clearing, too fast to even focus on. I rounded the corner, slamming into the entrance door and bursting into the hallway, running down to our door. I ripped my keys out of my jean pocket and shoved it into the door, looking around to make sure no one- or nothing- followed me. I opened the door and slammed it shut, locking it and backing up, watching it alertly. I stood there for what seemed like an eternity, but must have been a few seconds, until Tom ran out of his room with wild eyes and messy hair. "Dude, what the hell are you doing?", he said, grabbing my shoulder. I just stood there, wide-eyed and shell-shocked from what I just saw unfold."Sage. What the hell happened, you look like you saw a ghost, man." he said, moving in front of me with both his hands on my shoulders, trying to look me in the eye. "I did.", I mumbled. I wanted to do so many things. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, and part of me even wanted to go back there and see what happened to Amber. I wanted to do all those things but my body wouldn't move. My feet were cemented to the floor. "What're you talking about? Did you do LSD at that party man, what the fuck?", he said with a concerned look on his face, eyebrows pulling together and his lips frowning."No...I...I was walking home and...", I tried to get out. I couldn't finish and collapsed on the couch putting my head in my hands and crying. I sat there and wept like a little kid. "Sage...what happened? I've never seen you like this", he said, his face softening as he sat down and put his arm around me. . I had only ever cried once after the age of 5 and it was in 8th grade when my grandmother died. I was usually good at keeping my emotions in. But...but after what just happened I couldn't contain it. "Aaron...Aaron's dead Tom! He's dead and I didn't do anything about!", I screamed through my tears. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what? You're not making any sense, start from the beginning", he said carefully. I waited a second until I gathered myself enough to speak without screaming and crying. I sniffled. "I...I woke up in bed with Sapphire. I...I guess I slept with her last night, I don't remember. I looked for you and saw that you left. I had no way of getting home other than walking, so I did. I walked to the woods behind the admin office and decided to cut through it when-". Tom cut me off. "Wait, why didn't you just call me? I would've come to get you.", he said. "My phone died.", I coughed out. "OK, OK, continue.", he said, while nodding. "I decided to cut through the woods. I had the feeling that someone was watching me. About ten minutes into the woods, I heard voices. Whispers. I looked around and saw Aaron standing there in a clearing. He was talking to some girl um...Amber. Amber was her name. They started to argue when I noticed someone- something- else behind them in the shadows. It was about 6 and a half feet tall. Wore all black and had a covering covering it's face...", I started to tear up again,"Aaron and Amber were fighting and he shoved her against a tree and slapped her. As soon as his hand touched her face it...that glided- not walked or ran- GLIDED Tom, over to Aaron too fast to even see and...and...", I broke down, sobbing into Tom's shoulder. "Damn...", he whispered, hugging me. "Are...are you sure about what you're saying? I mean I don't think it's possible for any human being to do the things you explained to me.", he said doubtfully. "Were you not listening to me!?", I snapped. "It's not fucking human! After I watched him lift Aaron 4 feet off the and snap his neck with the flick of it's wrist. Then it it fucking fed on him Tom. FED ON HIM!", I yelled breaking down, once more, into tears and sobs. "What do you mean...'Fed on him'? Like- like a vampire or something?", he said, almost smiling. "Yes! It bent down and bit his neck! Exactly like a vampire!", I yelled, starting to get angry that my best friend didn't believe me. "Dude. What the hell did you smoke?", he said, laughing almost hysterically. Instantly I stopped crying. All the fear inside of me turned into anger. I stood up and walked into my room slamming the door shut. Who the hell did he think he was? At that moment I decided to prove it to him. I pulled off the sweater and put on a black shirt and a grey jacket. I opened the door and saw Tom standing there waiting for me to come out. "Come on", I said forcefully, while grabbing his arm and walking out the door. "Where are you taking me?", he asked, surprised. "To the woods", I replied solemnly.

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