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Five's P.O.V.

Never has Y/n looked more beautiful until this moment. I can only hope for us to be in this same situation in the future. No, I don't mean committing homicide. I mean her fixing my tie as I try to rush off somewhere. Like we were normal. And at the least physically 30.

There was just something about this girl that just made me wanna drop what I was doing and just be here, with her. I soon pull up to Vanya's building complex and we get out. I grab Y/n's hand, teleporting us into Vanya's apartment. Or what I hope is Vanya's apartment, if you can't tell I've been out of town for a while now. I sit in the chair by the bay window and pull Y/n down with me.

She laughs. "Five, what are you doing? You're not gonna turn on the lights?" She asks making herself a bit more comfortable. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. "Hmm, I like it like this. Nice and quiet. And alone." I muffle the last part a little more but she still hears it.

"Alone?" She more questions than says. I can tell by the way she turned her attention to the floor as if embarrassed. I smirk. "I can feel someone coming. Vanya." She snaps her head back up after telling me and it's quiet until I hear footsteps coming closer and stopping in front of the door. 'I'm really hoping I'm right and it's Vanya or else this is gonna get awkward fast.' Y/n shifts a little as Vanya opens the door. Before she can, I turn on the lamp next to us and Vanya flinches at the sight.

"Jesus!" She exclaims. "Sorry. I would have turned on the light but someone insisted on keeping them off." Y/n tells her. I roll my eyes. It's not like she was exactly pestering me about it. Plus, I could tell I'm not the only here that enjoyed it. I look over at the windows. "You should have locks on your windows." I comment. "I live on the second floor." Vanya points out.

"Rapists can climb." I fire back at her. I could feel Y/n rolling her eyes but smiling from behind her. "You're so weird." Is all Vanya says as she closes the door. She sits on the couch and looks at us. "Is that blood?" She asks. This causes Y/n to go all doctor on me as I was about to say that it's nothing. "Oh, right! Do you have a first aid kit? With some bandages maybe?" Y/n asks.

Vanya nods and leads her to the bathroom. Vanya sits back down on the couch and Y/n comes back with clean hands and a first aid kit. She takes off her tie and redoes it around her neck, blood soaking the collar or her shirt, before opening the box to clean and wrap my arm with bandages. It was Y/n who was better at patching up after a fight than me since she always helped Grace treat everyone's wounds.

"Why are you guys here?" Vanya asks finally. "I've decided you're the only one Y/n and I can trust." I shift my position a bit as Y/n takes her place again and my arms go to their usual spot around her waist. "Why me?" Vanya questions.

"Because you're ordinary." At that Y/n turns to elbow me in the rib cage. "Ow. Okay, because you'll listen. Jeez woman." I get out quickly. She smirks and crosses her arms. "You hurt Vanya, I hurt you." She simply says.

"What about if I get hurt?" I ask curious. "You get up and deal with it." She turns towards me with a 'Sorry' look. I stare her in the eye... and she still wins. Damn my future wife's a bitch and I love her. "When I jumped toward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?" I ask Vanya. "No." She replies quickly. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

A/n I'm gonna skip bc I lazy. Also convo not gonna be the exact same as show

Some Time Later:

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Okay, you know what? It's getting late and I have lessons tomorrow." Vanya stands up still a bit shaken up and I hug her. "I'm sorry. I realize now that it's a lot to take in. Especially when it's just coming up out of the blue." I whisper.

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