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Y/n's P.O.V.

I gulp down my fourth glass of water and look over at Five still sleeping. "Are you sure you don't need more sleep Y/n?" Luther asks. "You've only slept for like half an hour." I try not to roll my eyes to show that I'm cranky. "I'm fine. I just wanted to take care of our new puppy."

I smile and hold the little golden retriever up with his golden coat shining in the early morning sunshine. That's when I look over and see Five sitting up and looking at me and the puppy. I smile and sit down on the edge of the bed. "You're actually going to keep the puppy?" Five asks.

"Yes. And it's our puppy so he's your responsibility too. We just have to name him. But what? It has to be something unique so he knows we're calling for him." I ponder and flip through names in my mind. "Just name him 'Cat' so he knows that we're calling for him. That's unique." Five says. I smack his arm lightly as he sits directly next to me.

"We are not naming our puppy that. How about... hm. Oh! Mr. Pennycrumbs." I smile down at the puppy in my arms, fast asleep. I look back up at Five for approval and find him staring at me again. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Nothing. You're just," He pauses. I cock my head to the side to let him continue but he shakes his head.

"I like it. The name. Mr. Pennycrumbs." He agrees. I decide not to press any further on the first statement and continue to awe in silence at Mr. Pennycrumbs while Five and Luther start conversation about the apocalypse. "When's it supposed to happen? This... apocalypse." Luther asks.

"Well I can't give you the exact hour, but... from what I could gather, we have four days left." Five reminds us of the deadline. My smile drops from my lips and I look up at the two. "Why didn't you say something sooner?" Luther demands. Five explains how he had found us all dead and together, assuming we had already tried and failed to fight whomever was causing this whole thing. "I found all of your bodies."

I look at Five, realizing how hard it must be talking about such a traumatizing experience and how bad his PTSD must be. Five glances down at our new puppy and gazes at me. To encourage him, I give him a small smile and lean my head on his shoulder, moving closer to him. "We die?" Luther processes the newfound information. "Horribly." Five tells with regret.

He goes on and pulls out the prosthetic eye we tried to get information on, explaining how he came across it along with our bodies. Luther suggests the serial number but I'm quick to shut him down by telling him that it was a dead end. Suddenly the door kicks in and Diego storms down the stairs towards us. "Piece of shit."

I can't tell whether he's talking about Five or Luther this time. Usually it'd be obviously Luther but Diego seemed to have his attention set on Five and I. "Do you have any idea what you two just did?" Diego starts towards us but Luther holds him back while Five wraps his arm around my shoulders in a protective stance, pulling me back slightly and towards him.

"Nope, let me— Get your ape hands off of me." I have no idea why but I just burst out in short laughter at that but pulled a straight face when Luther turned to glare at me. I could sense that Five was stressed and slightly angry but amused at the same time.

Luther gets Diego to calm down somehow and asks what's wrong as Five's hold on me shifts from around my shoulders to my waist. "Those two right there have been pretty busy since they got back." Diego explains to Luther how we were in the middle of attacks that had been going around and that his friend was just killed. 'Oh no. I didn't realize he actually made friends but still, oh no.'

This also gets Five to confess about the Commission and the woman called The Handler. After the explanation about the two assassins in our house, Diego had his eye set on revenge for his friend by murdering the assassins. "Diego, I don't think you want to do that. What good would that do for you or for your friend?" I try to talk him out of it as does Five but it doesn't work.

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