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Y/n's P.O.V.

It feels like one second I'm telling Five that I love him and then the next second, I'm walking down a concreted pathway, discussing details with The Handler like we were gossiping over which hot new celebrity just got married for the third time. 'Pretty sure it was Aidan something.' But who am I to know? I haven't exactly been keeping up with the times these days.

"So just to be clear, I'll be working in the killing department, like Hazel and Cray-Cray back there." The Handler laughs at my nickname and nods. "Yes Y/n. And I must admit, Y/n, in all the time that I've been here, I've never met anyone quite like you. Working in the killing department but also willing to work in the management department part-time. Doesn't that sound fun?" She smiles. I pull a tight-lipped smile on for her as she continues to lead into the large white building.

Inside, everybody seemed to be in a rush as if they had to be somewhere like their life depended on it. And I honestly wasn't going to deny that it actually might. "And this, this is where the magic happens. The Home Office." The Handler does little jazz hands. "Cozy." I reply. We walk up the stairs and I ask to discuss the issue of my family's safety from the oncoming apocalypse. "Oh, yes, of course but first I'd like to give you a tour and then get you set up. Slow down, Y/n. All in good time."

I hold back a sigh and trail behind the woman as she showed me room after room as we walked up numerous flights of stairs. "The briefcase will be part of your kit when you're out in the field. All the people on this floor are case managers, each one responsible for one major event at a time.

"Now every other day, you will handle cases like everybody else in here and someone in the killing department will handle it. Heck, it might even be yourself." She laughs. I chuckle politely and open my mouth to ask about my family again when she directs me to another room.

The room was filled with tubes and an elder woman stood at one section with a cart next to her. "--These reports are sorted and assigned to a case manager. They determine if anyone needs to be... removed from the equation to assure that their event happens as it should--the case manager sends instructions via pneumatic tube to... temporal assassins like Number Five formerly was and like how you will be in the near future." The Handler explains as I watch the elder woman carefully. The Handler asks if I had any questions and I nod my head.

"Yes, who was the case handler handling Five?" The Handler puts a hand on my shoulder and directs me to another room. "Y/n, meet Dot. " Dot says hello very cheerfully and I wave back. "Dot is responsible for all apocalypse matters. In fact, it was Dot here who first flagged the appearance of Number Five in twenty-nineteen." The Handler gives Dot a gentle pat on the shoulder. I clench my jaw but attempt to still keep a polite smile on my face. To keep calm, I had to keep the thought of them saving Five from the apocalypse in mind.

"No hard feelings." Dot adds quickly. Well I'm not Five but I am going to take offense anyways. "No problem." I shrug it off like it's nothing. "Great, now that that's settled, I've got you're very first case for you. Now I know you like a challenge so I chose an especially hard one for you." The Handler pulls the chair of the desk in front of Dot  out and gestures for me to sit. She gives me a folder and I skim over it. I hear The Handler mention something about someone not deciding to sabotage a fuel tank. 'Yes, because that's a bad thing.'

"Well that's free will for ya." I mutter. The Handler hears me and laughs. "Yes, well it would've been so much easier. Anyhoo, if you have any questions... I'll be right behind you." The Handler walks off with a painfully cheerful smile and I purse my lips. Looks like I won't be getting to her about my family and the apocalypse soon. 'Oh Five.' I can't imagine what he must be doing right now.

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