Chapter 13

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Adrian's POV

It's been about a couple of hours since the whole situation in the room happened now we were just sitting in front of the TV laugh at some movie we had found. At first it was tense all of us sitting there trying to act like nothing was wrong.

Eventually we fell into a nice silence while we watched the TV, then when we saw something that we thought was funny or controversial we would start talking again like nothing was wrong with us. It was nice to sit here smushed between my two boyfriends while sitting across from my sister and her new boyfriend.

"Okay we've been sitting her for a while now. Who feels like it’s time to go out and party?"

"What did you have in mind Elle?"

"Well there's this club about an hour away that I think we would love."

After agreeing to go out I went and fixed my hair the best I could with what I had. Trust me it wasn't a lot. Elle didn't believe in sharing all of her hair products she let me use her flat iron and that was it. No spray no nothing.

"Adrian we're all waiting for you! Even Elle is done!" I heard a muffled voice from behind the door.

"Shut up! I'll be done when I'm done!" I screamed at the mysterious voice.

I waited a few seconds before opening the door to the bathroom. Everyone was sitting around the TV waiting for me to come out. Walking in front of the television, placing my hand on my hip I shifted all my weight onto one leg.

"Well I'm ready now...can we go?"

Rolling his eyes at me Paul was the first one to get up. Wrapping his arm around my waist he pulled me out the way as everyone started to get up. Pressing his lips to my neck he kissed his softly while we stood up by the door.

Christian had his arm wrapped around Elle's waist as he led her to where we were. Alex trailed behind them deep in thought. Unwrapping myself from Paul I walked over to where Alex was standing and poked him in the side. Automatically his body jerked away from away from me as he looked down at me curiously.

"What's wrong?"


"You look like you're thinking about something important."

"I am. Antonio called me while you were taking forever to get ready. He was giving me an update on the whole Michael situation. He said that after he dealt with him he threw him out of his restaurant but not before calling the cops and telling them to keep an eye on him, for obvious reasons.

A buddy of his that works in the police department called him not to long before he called me telling him that they had lost track of him. They don't know where he's at so we need to be extremely careful tonight. Okay?"

"Understood. I'll be by either you or Paul all night!"

"Does Paul know?"

"Yeah I told him before you came out. He knows not to let you out of his sight for any reason."

"Good because I'd hate to have to cancel this night out just because of my past."

Nodding his head in understanding he wrapped his arm around me pulling me outside where Paul, Elle and Christian were all waiting in the car. Alex pulled the door close and locked it with the key that Christian had tossed at him.

Climbing into the backseat next to Paul I ended up being squished between him and Alex for the rest of the ride. Which wasn't a bad thing at all. Paul kept rubbing his hand up and down my thigh climbing higher with each go. Alex was constantly kissing the top of my head softly as I laid my head on his shoulder.

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