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Lisa swore she's had enough.

This is the like the hundredth time he's done this and she can't take it anymore and it's driving her insane.

They've been together for almost six months and not once did he take her out on a proper date. The guy has gotten used to their usual netfix and chill and Lisa herself admits to enjoying that once in a while.

But damn it sure wouldn't hurt to take her out for a movie or a fancy restaurant every now and then.

This was one of the many times she works up the courage to step up and make things work the way she wanted it. She called Junhwan and told him to meet her at this restaurant her unnie told her about downtown Hongdae.

For fucksake, she even dressed up and wore a fucking lingerie to surprise him and she opens her phone only to find a message from him that says, I'm not really in the mood to go out right now babe. Let's just stay in and cuddle?

That ungrateful little bitch.

It was no secret to her small circle of friends that she was starting to feel a little burned out about her relationship with Junhwan. He had been a good boyfriend, taking care of her and meeting her family like the charmer he is. But hell, Lisa didn't know when she stopped being happy.

Their relationship suddenly became bland, a bit on the boring side. It was like they were on loop and Lisa, being the adventurous live on the edge type of girl she was, she's not really feeling the spark anymore.

All her attempts on taking him out on a date were mostly damage control, trying to salvage what was left in her to stay in the relationship. And him not cooperating? Well, it's safe to say that their relationship is barely hanging by a thread and Junhwan himself was handing her the scissors.

God she needs a drink.

She's so stupid to think that she makes better decisions now that she's a full pledge functioning adult but yeah, no.

It was barely eight in the evening when she entered the high-end bar her friends usually hang out in. Bright neon lights and a loud edm welcomed her. Slightly overwhelmed, Lisa made her way upstairs to the VIP section where she made her way straight to the bar.

"Tequila," she muttered to the bartender before settling herself down on one of the stools.

She looked around and saw at least three guys catching her gaze, looking at her with predatory glints in their eyes. She reached for the hem of her tight fitting black dress and tried to pull it down.

Lisa contemplated whether she should stay and worry about being harrassed by perverts or go home, where Junhwan was probably waiting for her for his idea of a perfect date night.

Her boyfriend could go fuck himself really.

Finishing her drink in one go, she asked for another one. She then felt herself shivering as a hand makes its way around her waist.

"Who the fuck—Kookie?"

"Fancy seeing you here, doll." He chuckled, obviously amused by her reaction.

Lisa sighed in relief. "You asshole, you fucking scared me to death."

"You have such a foul mouth," he sat down beside her. "Pretty girls shouldn't have foul mouths."

"Well then maybe I'm not pretty," she retorted.

"Sure, tell that to the men glaring at me right now for talking to you," he deadpanned.

"Oh fuck me."

Jungkook gaped at her. "Your boyfriend would surely appreciate that offer."

"Not even sure if he's still my boyfriend," she said.

"You broke up?"

"I think I want to."

"What happened? Did you guys fight? Did he hurt you? I swear to god if he even lays a fucking finger on you I'll—"

"Chill, Kook." She chuckled, cutting his words off before he starts saying things he shouldn't. "I just don't feel it anymore, you know."

"Don't feel what?"

"The spark!" she looked at him like he grew two more heads or something. "We keep doing the same things over and over again, it drives me crazy! He doesn't even take me out on dates anymore! Being with him feels like a waste of time, you know? He doesn't make my heart beat faster anymore, he doesn't make me blush anymore. Am I even making sense?"

Lisa stopped rambling and her cheeks heated up, realizing that she probably talked too much. In her twenty two years of existence, this was the first time she felt so conscious in front of a guy.

She wondered why it was with Jungkook, though.

"Well, I think it's normal," he said, trying so hard to look at nothing else but her face. Lisa noticed this and looked down. The dress she's wearing is definitely on the revealing side, deep neckline, exposed legs. She chuckled when he caught his eyes wandering lower and lower—

"Eyes up here, Kook." She snorted. What a typical guy.

Jungkook cleared his throat and drank his beer. "It's totally normal for couples who have been together for at least a year to fall into a certain routine."

Lisa subconsciously bit her lips. "We've been together for five months, Kook."


She sighed. It's hopeless. Her relationship's doomed and she's been in denial for so long. Breaking up with him has been overdue since heaven knows when, but she still didn't know how she'll do it.

Should she break up with him over text? Wait, no. Her ex did that to her.

Should she just avoid him and let him take a hint? No way. She can be rude but not that rude. Plus, she's not a coward.

She'll talk to him and tell him the truth like the responsible grown-up she is.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Jungkook snapped his fingers right in front of her face. Lisa giggled at her own thoughts. She's getting better at wordplay, which only meant she's drunk, no wait, she's tipsy.

Right, tipsy.

"You okay there?" Jungkook asked, worry written all over his face. No one could blame him, really. The blonde just grabbed a whole bottle of tequila from the bartender who had no choice but to relent after Lisa threatened him with a spoon.

Yes, a spoon.

It was amusing, to say the least.

Lisa groaned. "Oh fuck, I feel dizzy."

He chuckled, taking the bottle from her hands. "You're drunk."

"I.. am?"

This time, Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. She's so fucking adorable, it's illegal.

"Jungkook-ah," she called out. "I think I'm going crazy."

"Doll, you're not—"

"You look so handsome right now, I could kiss you."

Jungkook almost choked. Damn he probably heard that wrong.


"I said I wanna kiss you, Kookie. Will you let me?"

Jungkook shook his head no. He knew had to get his shit together. And it was quite a struggle with her hooded eyes and soft pink lips calling his name so seductively, in a way he didn't even know she was capable of.

"Don't you want me, Kookie? I know I'm not pretty, I can't even find the right guy for me—"

"Shut it, Lalisa." He knew his voice sounded a bit harsh and he didn't care at all. How can she think that? Does she even see herself in the mirror?

Lisa's lips started quivering and soon enough, she had tears in her eyes and Jungkook wanted nothing but to grab her and kiss her like she wanted but thankfully, he's still in his right mind. He couldn't do that. He wanted to but he can't.

Not when she's drunk and crying over another guy.

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