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Lisa felt stupid.

Well, she already knew that she was but what she did was a whole different level.

How can she be so reckless?

Flashbacks of what happened the night before immediately welcomed her as she regained her consciousness. The headache didn't help either because now all she wanted to do was crawl into a hole and hide for the rest of her life.

How embarrassing can she be?

Other than the fact that Jungkook had to carry her drunk ass up to his apartment, she said she wanted to kiss him.

She said she wanted to kiss him.

She just revealed her deepest, darkest desires to her bestfriend of god knows how long and now she probably made things so awkward between the two of them.

In her defense, she was drunk as fuck and had absolutely no idea what she was doing.

It was in times like this where she wished that she had the magical ability to blank out and forget everything that happened the night before when she gets drunk. It just so happens that the universe gave her high alcohol tolerance and a very capable brain (or liver, same difference) to handle all of it.

But god, she's embarrassed as fuck.

The worse part was that she's currently on his bed right now, pretending to be asleep because he's beside her and he has his arm around her waist and she's freaking out and heart's beating so fast and so loud she's afraid he might actually hear it.

Lisa bit her lips and contemplated on what the hell would she do to get out of this complicated shit she just got herself into. Should she just pretend that she forgot everything? She can dodge all his questions by saying she's not feeling well and she feels like her head is gonna fall off.

Which isn't a total lie, by the way

That plan of hers could actually work, if Jungkook wasn't her bestfriend who's been with her more than half of her life and he freakin' knows her like the back of his hand.

She's not even exaggerating at all as she thinks that.

Lisa then felt him shift a little, pulling her closer to him if that's even possible. She felt her cheeks heating up, which confused her since they've already slept together countless times before.

Wait, no. That sounded wrong.

She meant that they have literally slept beside each other on the same bed before. In fact, skinship was so normal between the two of them that a lot of people mistake them as a couple, which made them blush and stutter to correct them during the first few times but as the years went by, they went along with it, laughing if off with absolutely no traces of awkwardness.

So why the fuck is this time so different?

God, her arms are starting to feel a little numb and her palms are sweating. Her phone was on the bedside table, literally a few inches away from her but she found it difficult to move and get out of Jungkook's arms.

Lisa cringed at her thoughts. It's not difficult at all to get up and reach for her phone to contact her unnies. When she ends up dozing off with Jungkook at his place or at her apartment, she would kick him off and curse him for hugging the life out of her while she slept.

So maybe, it's not that it's difficult.

It was more like she didn't want to.

She was very well aware of how much she's overthinking things. A part of her was shitass scared that whatever she did the night before could ruin the friendship she had nurtured and cared for over the past fourteen years (yeah, they met when they were both nine years old). Lisa felt her eyes filling up with tears and she almost laughed at how bipolar she could be at times.

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