Chapter 15

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Sunday, 18 June 2017 – Skylar

There was a growing craving of hunger and need growing inside of me and with each step, I took that feeling became more and more intense. I laughed feeling insane, was it even possible to have emotional pregnancy cravings? Because that is exactly what this felt like, crazy insane like a wild pregnant woman on the chase looking from car tire to care tire for that rubber nubs on the new tires. With each giggle and each laugh, I actually felt lighter and that itself was even more ridiculous.

I stood in front of the boardroom door for what felt like five minutes. What would it mean if I knocked on that door? Why does it feel like he wanted more from me than just the babies? Endless questions raced through my mind. I as my small hand finally went to connect to the door it slammed across my mouth as my feet took me to the closest bin.

I went back to my room, because some odd thought came to me, what if he wanted to kiss me? Yes, it was a complete senseless thought but I just loved that idea. Yep, I was completely losing it. I laughed so more before I finally found my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth through a smile shaking my head at myself.

I returned to the boardroom feeling oddly confident and without hesitation raised my hand to the door to knock. Silence greeted me on the other side but I decided to wait a few minutes and then tried again. I started to turn around to head back to my room when air moved around me as the door open behind me.

"Good, I was about to call the police." His words didn't sting at all and it surprised me. I was no longer intimidated by him.

"Is that so?" I asked teasingly, surprising myself yet again.

"No" he smiled with a quick laugh "strangely not at all. I just want you safe."

I didn't feel humiliated by his laugh like last time instead I adored the way his lips stretched and deep indents formed on his cheeks. It was sexy and pulling me in.

"Can you please explain the pregnancy to me?" I asked and my hand moved to his shoulders on their own accord.

His hands cupped my face and I didn't flinch but moved into the warmth of his hand. The moment I realized what I was doing I apologized and moved out of his embrace.

"It's I who need to apologize." He said while I just shake my head in disagreement.

Taking my hand he pulled me inside of the boardroom and helped me into a seat. He took a seat of his own and just stared at me. I played with my fingers in my lap slowly tracing the line each nail forms and each crinkle on my knuckles.

"I'm just going to say it straight, three embryos formed and one didn't fully develop and that's why you started bleeding. The clinic you went to is still using old equipment and that's why they couldn't see the other two." Even though his tone was formal I didn't feel flinch, it almost felt loving.

"So what now?" I asked with a small soft voice as I remember how he treated me.

"Look, I apologize for the way I treated you. You disarm me in ways I can't explain. I fought against it, but I am done with that now." He explains as if reading my thoughts. "Please give me a chance to prove myself to you. I will put it on paper that I will offer you a job as soon as the pregnancy is over. I will give you a house, anything you need is yours. Please just give me the chance to be in your life." The frown lines on his forehead were begging me more than his words.

"Well, of course, you'll be part of my life until our, I mean your babies, are born." I had a deep desire suddenly calling me to my tummy. My hands instinctively rubbed over the small swollen pouch, too small to be noticed by others.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'd like to be worthy of you." There was so much endearment in his voice and it made my tummy and heart pull strangely.

"I don't understand." I lied understanding perfectly what he was saying, but I needed time to think and process what this meant and why on earth he would want to be worthy of me.

"I'd like to prove to you that I am worthy enough to be in your life." He leaned over to me. "Cause I can't imagine my life without you anymore." It caught me off guard, this is way too soon. "Look I know it seems fast and I promise you that I'm not going to force the pace, I will follow yours." He continues to explain reading my thoughts again. "But, and I promise this will be the only thing I ask of you, I'd like you to move into my guesthouse."

"Umm, I think that would be a good start and as for.."

"Skylar! The doctors are looking for you please you need to come to your room." The nurse burst into the boardroom and I laugh at Joshua's scolding stare as he takes my hand and walks me back to my room. 

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