The Battle and The Tears

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My car is parked at the outer part of Wall Rose. Here I see swarms of people coming from a small gate from Wall Maria. They scream and run while trying to get away. [Hmm, seems hectic I've got to find a safe location]Lucas thinks. Then I find a destroyed house with a hidden basement. I crawl inside with Carla in my arms and then I lay her down I quickly get water in a cup that I found. I splashed water on Carla's face. Slowly she wakes up and is shocked by her surroundings.

"Where am I, My son, where is my son, "Carla yells while holding my arms. 

I grab her hands and say, "It's okay, he's okay. He'll be safe.Carla." She still looks scared but also in pain. I look at her legs and see them bruised and kind of squished. "We need to treat your injuries" I get out of the basement and into my car.

BOOOM, I hear a crash in the distance them I see it a Titan. It seems to have run through the wall and made a whole. 

[Dam, I need to move Carla somewhere safer], Lucas thought. I go back down to the basement and I quickly pick Carla up.

 Looking at me skeptically, "What are you doing," she says. 

"A titan has made a hole through Wall Maria and now the rest of the Titans are coming  I need to get you into the opening of Wall Rose," I reply.  

I put her in my car and drive, we pass through the crowd of people and head past the Walls Village. Then I head to the plains passing Wall Rose. I slowly enter a small village at the edge of Wall Rose and stop my car taking out the keys and locking it. I know how people act in fight or flight instinct so I can't be too careful. I get out and take Carla to a house with a framer and his family beside him. 

"Please I need help, she broke her leg during the attack at Wall Maria, She needs help," I plead, then the farmer's wife comes to me and inspects Carla. 

"She needs medical attention immediately, but we really don't have any medicine," the older lady says. 

"I can help with that, but could we please borrow a bed," I ask. 

They all nod and lead me to a vacant room. I lay Carla down and she had a look like she was in pain. I get the injections and bandages from my car, [if I'm correct the injection will give her the ability to heal rapidly. But will it cure an injury that severe?] Lucas ponders in thought. 

He remembered one of the files talked about the medicine in his car but he didn't really read it thoroughly. He then gets the syringe and injects Carla's legs and starts wrapping them tightly trying to keep her legs in their original shape.

"Thanks, um... now that I realize I never got your name. It seems you already know me, but I don't know you," Carla says with some pain in her expression. 

"I'm Lucas, I met your kid while he was picking up firewood this morning", I reply. 

"That's good that even in crisis Eren can still make friends", she says.

 "Ya," I say. 

"Hey, may I ask you to do something for me?", Carla asks. 

"What", I ask. 

"Could you find Eren and bring him here, so I can tell him I'm safe", she asks politely. 

I knew this would happen but I didn't think it would be this soon. "I'm sorry",  I say, "but I can't do that. At least not now."

 She looks at me and yells, "Why? They must be worried I have to get to him and tell him I'm okay!" 

I grab her shoulders and yell, "You think I have a choice. I can't, or else those things will never happen!" 

She looks at me in shock and asks, "What do you mean by those things! What's going to happen to Eren!?" 

I get on my knees by her bed and look at her eye to eye. "He will become the savior of the world, he'll become a scout and destroy every last one of those things", I told her. 

"NO, he can't, he'll get himself killed I have to stop him", she yells. 

I grab her tighter and yell, "If you do that, this world the one you love and want your son to live peacefully will never be saved! You can't meet him till he has completed his objective."

 "What do you mean this world will never be safe, what do you know?" she asks.

"I .....I saw his future. I saw all the things he will face, from becoming a Scout, to saving the nation and then saving the world. I know this might sound stupid but I'm not lying. I even saw Mikasa's future and I saw the same thing but from her perspective", I replied looking at her with a serious look on my face. 

She then starts yelling, "If that's true, then you must have seen this before the attack, am I right. Why!? Why did you just stand by and let it happen!? Why can't I see my son, tell me!?" 

"Because your the reason why he does it", I yell, "Your death makes Eren become who he's he becomes a person with more power than anyone in this world. I knew this but I didn't want to let you die. So I made a plan to save you, but I still needed Eren to believe you were dead so he could have the feeling of despair and become one of the scouts. I know you might be angry and I don't blame you but please for the future.......please listen. He's the hope for the future" 

I return my gaze to Carla. Her expression says it all, mad, but at the same time crying. Then slap, she slapped me and started hitting my chest. " bastard," she says while crying on my shoulder. I hug her and try to soothe her crying away. This world is hell and we are the livestock of the demons, just like Eren said.

Time skip......

After some time the injection seemed to kick in and made Carla Pass out. I went to the dining room and met the farmer and his wife.

"Hey, can you guys watch her, I have to go but I'll be back tomorrow morning? In the meantime please, try not to let her leave or talk to any soldiers that may come through," I ask. 

"Keeping that girl isolated isn't good," the farmer said. 

"I know, but please trust me she needs to remain hidden, she is someone important to me, so could you please listen to this foolish man's request," I pleaded. 

"It's ok son, we'll watch over her, but promise to come back she may need you," the farmer's wife says. 

"Yeah, I promise," I tell both of them, "keep her safe, remember don't let her talk to anyone." They nod and I exit the house. I look at the town and ponder in thought. 

I need to find Eren and Mikasa just to make sure that they are okay. I'll tell Carla about them, but I won't let the kids know about her. I need to be able to watch over them, maybe I should become a scout and then lead the new generations. I head for the Military fort that the kids are headed to. 

Here is where a guardian will meet watch over children.

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