The Development of Warriors

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As the houses come into view I ponder over any information that the vision may have given me. I just realized that in part of that vision I saw Eren's dad take him into the wood and inject him something. Then Eren became a titan and killed his dad he wakes up sees his dad's death and passes out. After that, someone will carry him to the fort where he wakes up. 

I arrive at my destination, the same as before I lock the door and take the keys. I start running and searching for Eren and Mikasa.

Eren's point of view...........

I woke up and I saw Mikasa looking at me with a worried look. "Dont worry It was just a bad dream, " she said. 

"Dad felt so real, " I said. 

"Nightmare, shake it off, "Mikasa said, "come on, they're handing out food rations close by the warehouse". 

I put my necklace inside my shirt and get up.

 "I think this was the place where they stored all the dried good, now it seems to be a shelter for the refugees," she says. 

I look outside and see many people scared. I also see men fighting. "Not exactly a dignified existence," Mikasa says.

 "Hey, guys," I see Armin come with a whole lot of bread, "hey, Armin", I say. 

"I thought i wouldn't make it on time," said Armin, "here take some grandpa managed to get a little extra by the powers at be."  

"That's nice, "Mikasa says. 

Then I notice a guard right behind Armin he looks at us as if we were bugs and leaves. "What's his deal," I ask. 

"Just ignore it," Armin replies, "there's a shortage probably he's hungry, they were already dealing with famine before we got here so it's an ugly situation," while he said that, I kept looking at the bread I had. 

Then I hear the same guard say, "Nothing more gratifying than letting our rations to a bunch of animals". I look up, and he kept talking, "Guess we gotta beef up the herd though, eat up the Titans like a little meat on your bones." 

 We are all shocked of course I was furious and walked up to the man "Eren wait," Armin said. All I could do was keep walking, at the laughing soldier. He then said, "I oughta put you in cages offer you up to the front lines as a buffer", I walked right in front and kicked him in the shin.

"Aaah, dammit you picked the wrong man asswhole", he lifted his hand up and before he could bring it down someone grabbed him, "what the hell!", the soldier looks at the man. 

"Hehe, Eren it seems you always get yourself in trouble", it was Lucas.

"Lucas", I said. 

"Who the hell are you do you know this kid," the soldier said. 

"Yes I do and honestly it's sad to see a Garrison fight a little kid and not a Titan makes you seem totally useless," Lucas said. 

"Why you," he swings, and Lucas just ducks to the side and moves the soldier's arm over his shoulder pivoting him and throwing him to the floor. Then the other guard comes and Lucas kicks his leg making him lose his balance and the Lucas does a high jump and twirl-kicks him knocking him out. "What the hell, do you have any idea who you just assaulted," said the first guard. 

"No, and I don't care, but if you are what you say you are then your just a spineless coward not knowing what it's like to face a Titan. You've seen one, eh? Have you ever faced one, if not then your just a coward hiding behind a wall", he picks up the soldier by the collar, "If I ever see you again, I'll knock you out and through you on the other side of the wall, do I make myself clear?", he then punches the man once again and let's go. 

The soldier starts to roll and crawl away. 

"Eren I thought told you to act like a soldier and not to attack the people," Lucas told me.

"L-Lucas.......," I started to say before I ended up crying. 

He then came to me and hugged me, "It's ok kid, it's ok," he said while I just cried my eyes out. Armin and Mikasa were both looking down in sadness.

Time skip........

Eren told Lucas what happened to his parents and how he was so sorry he couldn't save him in time. 

"I...I can't do this. I'm going back to wall Maria the Titans have to pay for what they have done to us," Eren said. 

"Hey, now you don't mean that. That's your stomach talking," Armin says. "No it's not, just look around you the guys dressed up as soldiers are just a bunch of talk, the hell with all of them here take it back," he throws the bread back at Armin. 

"Ya, what are trying to do starve!?," Armin said. 

"When are you going to get sick of their charity, too much is handed to us, we have to stand on our own two feet!", Eren yells. 

"To do what, to get killed by a Titan, I know I used to think our future was beyond the wall, buts it's like Lucas told that man. I've never seen what they could do to us, " Armin replies. 

"So that's it, that's just the way life is, run away and take what is given!", Eren yells. 

"Look at us what choice do we have here!?," Armin reply. 

"We can damn well leave if you want to scape down on the charity of cowards than that's your thing, but I'm not a parasite!", Eren yells. 

Before anything gets out of hand Mikasa quickly goes up to Eren and slaps him. 

"Lucas?", Armin says. 

"Have you looked in the mirror lately, we are all parasites, we couldn't even escape certain death without help. Tell me differently. Don't take your shortcomings out on him," said Mikasa, "For god sakes, we can't even find food on our own. We're all parasites, were cowards, Titans are the top of the food chain, period. Damned, we'd be if we do what we must to live, your mother never asked us to be brave". She then gets the bread and shoves it into Eren's mouth. "Eat it, she asked us to stay alive I'm not about to let her down", Mikasa said.  We all look at Eren and he starts crying and realizes that she was right. We are parasites that's just how the world made us.

After that people, we were made to work at farms to produce more food. In between times I helped out, as well as visit Carla every day, but due to the cold winter, nothing grew. I told Carla that everything would be okay. She just looked sad and thanked me for telling her about her children. Then a few days later men and women of a good age were drafted to go on an attack against the Titans to recover wall, Maria. I  was ordered to go I said goodbye to the kids and Carla, they all had the saddest expression. Before I left Carla told me to come back alive, all I could tell her was that I would try. 

The kids wished me luck and then Eren with a serious expression told me, "give them hell".

Out of the 200,000 people that left less than 200 came back, I was one of them, but it didn't change much all I could do was kill a few Titans with the gear given. I managed to survive and come back home. Waiting for me was Eren and Mikasa, we're glad to see me alive and well, but I told them that countless lives were lost and then I told Eren about Armin's father and how he died.

Little after Lucas's arrival he went to the old farmer couples home and he finally saw Carla again. She was happy that he was alive and well. He told her how bad the situation was on the other side. 

"So it's that bad huh", she says. 

"Ya it is, but I promise I'll end the lives of every single one of them, I'll protect your kid even if it means I'll have to join the Scouts to do so," I said. 

"Please, just try... try not to get yourself killed that's all I'm asking you," she said holding my hand. 

"I promise" I reply with a smile and holding up a thumbs up. "Besides I promised to reunite you with your kid when the time comes up," I stated, she seemed happy, and so was I. 

I promise......

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