Time to Grow

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In a dark alley, three children and an adult are standing around. The light lit up only around them as if they were the only ones in the world. The blonde boy hugging a hat while sitting by the man.

"We have to find a way to stop them," Eren says, "Our lives will never be our own until we do, this world will never feel like home. That's it next year I'll be applying to join the cadets. To become strong enough to fight back." 

"I'm with you, "Armin says as he cleaned himself with his sleeve. 

"You don't have to-"Eren says before being cut off by Armin

"I do", Armin stated. 

"So do I, " says Mikasa. 

"Dammit, I'm not trying to drag you in. Look there's no point in following me to my death", Eren says. 

"Ya and if I can help, then it won't have to be your death," Mikasa says. 

"Hehehe, I knew you guys were more than friends, You guys are family. If you're in then so am I. I'll go up the ranks to see all of your guy's progress," Lucas says. Eren and I get up and we stare at each other and say "Alright, together then."

After that day, everyone was trying their best to become a cadet. Lucas since he was one of the worriers who had survived the loss of many at the Wall of Maria, was promoted to choose which rank he could be in he chose to be an instructor for the meantime. 

"Wow, that's incredible I can't believe Eren and Mikasa are now cadets", Carla said. 

"Yup, they sure advance quickly", I responded, "It seems like it was just yesterday that everything went south." 

"Yeah," Carla says. 

It's been a whole year and yet Carla hasn't been able to see her children in a while. Even though she was sad, she would always try her best, her broken legs healed up good as new and she had lost a little bit of weight not much though, but she was slimmer. 

"Hey," I ask while we are at the table, she turns in my direction, "I know you might be startled by what I'm about to say, but I think...I think you should do some training to defend yourself from any scenario, especially titans".  

She looks at me puzzled and then smiles, "Oh, silly, I'm too old to do that sort of stuff as the military soldiers do. Besides I have you to protect me." 

"I'm serious", she turns in my direction, "I want you to be ready for anything even if I'm not here to defend you". 

After my words, there was a moment of silence ....."What did you have in mind", I hear her ask. All I do is smile happily.

Time skip.........

Down in a valley, the new cadets are being yelled at by the drill Sargeant. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are in the group below. On a hill, a man in a drill Sargeant outfit is watching over everyone. He sees the three newcomers and has a smile. This man is Lucas, after the whole year, they have all reached their goal. And there is still a whole lot of ladder to climb. 

Eren and the crew were standing there getting scolded by drill Sargeant Kieth Shadis, my second in command. "Right now you are nothing but after the three soul-crushing years, you'll learn to take down your own Goliath. Remember this moment when you come face to face with him cause here's where you ask yourself, am I a fighter or am I feed, am I gonna stand and get pulped by its feet, or am I  a gonna be the one to bite," Keith said. After that, I turned away.

I had been training Carla very vigorously, but she finally got the hang of it. After a while, I took her to kill the first Titan, but she still had trauma.

"No, No, No." She whispered. 

"Hey, Hey get up now!", I swing myself to catch her and take her to a tree. We land on a branch, "I-I don't think I can do It....."She says. 

"Hey! Look at me," she faces me, "Your son is out there, look," she sees the grassy area behind the Titan, "Are you gonna run away while your son faces danger after danger. Are you going to abandon everything just to live like cattle, or are you going to get up and kill the son of a bitch?" She looks at me and my eyes, "You can do just fight back. Fight, Fight, Fight!" 

At that moment the Titan brought the tree down both Carla and Lucas lost balance and fell. Carla got up and looked for Lucas. 

"Carla! Dammit, I'm stuck," she ran to him. A thick branch was on top of him, and he couldn't move it. 

"Lucas! Lucas! Oh my god, what do I do"? She asked. 

"Just run go to the village, I'll be alright," There were two Titans heading to their locations. 

"Are you crazy you can't move, I won't leave you," she cries. 

"If you don't leave now we'll both die," Lucas said. "Go on, live your life, find your son, and live on," he said with a smile. 

She starts crying and looks at him, "My life means nothing if it isn't with you Lucas," she kisses him and she gets up. 

"Hey what are you doing, Carla!? CARLA!", Lucas yelled. 

"I'll kill you," she says, "I'll destroy you, AAAAAAAHHHH!" Using the maneuver gear Lucas made for her, she shot her grappling hook at the Titan's face and then shot two missiles blinding it. The other Titan tries to reach for her, but she starts running up its arm and reaches the shoulder she then jumps down and shoots the grappling hook on the backside of its shoulder. Upon reaching the height she then cuts the weak spot exactly like Lucas told her. The Titan falls down and dies. "One down, one to go," Carla says. As she says that the other titan has finally healed its injuries and goes for Lucas. 

"Shit," Lucas said.

"Oh no you don't," Carla says while she shoots her hook to the back of the Titan. She then propels to the back of the neck of the Titan slices it. The Titan now dead, falls right around the area where Lucas was at. "No, No, No. LUCAS!?" she yells. 

She hears coughing and runs in the noise's direction. "I'm okay, I'm okay.....Damn your a natural-born Titan hunter. Hahahaha." 

She then punches Lucas on his shoulder. "Stupid..., you know how scared I was during all this and you still laugh, stupid," she says. 

"Remember I've got the ability to see the future so I knew you would come through," she looks at Lucas and then kisses him. 

"Did you envision that?" she asked. 

"I might have," Lucas said jokingly. They both kiss again even more passionately and then they get up hugging each other. 

"I think I love you, Lucas," Carla says. 

"I love you, Carla," Lucas says. Both of them head in the direction of the car and drive off to their home. 

I promise Carla.....I'll protect all of you, you, and our kids.

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