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Tick tock, tick tock, the sound of the clock hanging on the wall feels so and omnious loud. It terrifies me of the message it brings about with every passing second, for every second that passes by brings me closer to my grave.

But for some reason I'm calm, though terrified I'm unworried. Perhaps because I've accepted my fate and with that I dive into my memories to think.

I wish I could unsee what I've seen so far in the little time I've spent in this blasted joke of a world, if I could go back to being a kid, back to when I was still an innocent boy "I would do so without a second thought.

Because back then I knew nothing and only viewed the world in a scope that at least was sensible to my existence. At least then I had a mother who even though failed in all aspects that deprecits motherhood but she didn't abandon me.

It's really funny, society considers me a kid with a lot of issues, a thing that should be feared, an animal that should be put down because I'm a monster to be wary of.
It makes me laugh because I'm not victimizer but the victim for they are the ones who made me this way.

Come on now take a seat my dear listener, I don't have much time now. Considering that the next day break would be the last I'll ever see, it doesn't scare me anymore so don't give me that face and with perhaps what you've read in the papers about me, you've probably made a decision on what you think I am.

I don't care to be deathly honest what your opinions are, everyone has a right to one but perhaps you should give a listening ear to my part of the story.

You know I don't want to die yet, at least not like this. But like life has shown me, it tends to throw a really mean curve ball once in a while.

Ah you seem confused, no worries I'm going to take you back to the very beginning. Back to when it all started, on the very first day I saw someone dead.
Someone close to me.

You should probably get comfortable, because I'm about to take you back to the very first day my derail into insanity began.

And by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet.

My name is Kris and it's a pleasure to meet you.

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