CHAPTER 12: Make You Feel Wanted

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I can't believe Kent has been bullying Mystique all this time and I never noticed. Oh my god, has he been doing this even when I was in high school?

I swear, I don't know what happened to my brother. Sure I haven't always been there, especially after mom kicked me out and I lost contact, but still. We used to talk and we used to be really close growing up but I guess when you fuck up as bad as I did, you ruin people's lives.

I made a promise to our mom that I would make sure that he doesn't go down the same path I took. So far, I haven't done a good job at that and now that Mordecai is back, I have to try and do whatever it takes to protect and keep Kent from doing business for him.

I was sitting down on a bench across from the store and had told Max about what had happened and that I was taking Mystique to a hotel tonight.

Max warned me about Nora and to be honest, I could give two shits about her. That bitch ass slut needs to stay the hell away from her too because I KNOW she has also been bullying Mystique because that's the kind of person she is.

I quickly put my phone away as soon as I see Mystique walking towards me.

"I'm all set." She says.

"Great. Let's go." I smile as I take her hand and we start heading towards my truck.

When we get outside towards the truck, she looks surprised as I open the door for her.

"What happened to your motorcycle?" She asks.

"I like driving the truck and plus it's gonna start getting more cold so, it's better to be in the heated truck than having the cold wind hit you." I explain.

"I like it." She smiles.

I smile at her and after she gets in, I close the door and head over towards the driver seat and start the truck.

"So, are you hungry?" I ask.

"A little." She shrugs.

"Want to grab something to eat?" I ask.

"Okay." She smiles a little at me.

We take off and head to a drive thru and I start driving towards my work site.

When we get there, we get out and are heading towards the little office trailer we have off to the side and once inside, sat down on the small couch there and started to eat.

We ate in silence for a moment until I broke the silence.

"So how is it?" I ask her.

"It's really good. Thanks." She says.

When we were finished we sat there a little while before I tried to tell her what I wanted to talk to her about.

"So Mystique, I wanted to talk to you about something and I don't blame you if you say no." I started telling her but felt really nervous as if I was asking a girl out for the first time or something.

I just took in a deep breath before letting it out and continuing.

"I wanted to see if you'd go out with me." I came out and said.

She doesn't look at me for a moment and closes her eyes while taking in a deep breath and then letting it out. I know that look, she's gonna turn me down and I don't blame her. But if she let's me explain that I'm trying to better myself then maybe she'd reconsider.

"Yes." I hear her say in her soft voice.

"Really?" I ask her surprised.

"Yeah. I mean, to be honest, I'm surprised you even asked me because, well, this is embarrassing." She says as she takes a few sips of her drink.

"Tell me." I smile.

"I've had a crush on you since high school." She confesses and my heart practically skips a beat.

"Really?" I ask feeling flattered.

"Yeah." She repeats only now she's starting to turn red from blushing so much.

"I know it's crazy because, I've never been someone who is ever noticed but..." she started but I couldn't take it anymore. I had to let her know just how much I liked her. So I smashed my lips onto hers and didn't move them until I finally felt her start to kiss me back. Which she did not too much later.

Her soft lips felt perfect on mine and her lip gloss was flavorful and reminded me of frosting?

We pulled our heads apart for a moment and looked into each other's eyes for a moment.

"You're so sexy and amazingly beautiful. I'm sorry I never noticed before. But I promise that when you're with me I will never make you question any of that or doubt yourself. I want you to see how much I want you and how much your wanted." I tell her.

She tears up and smiles at me before we go back to kissing each other and end up falling asleep on the couch's pullout.

Next chapter will be posted! :)

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