CHAPTER 29: Okay, What's The Plan?!

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After discussing the plan, we right away contacted an agent that apparently Benson knew and gave his card to. Apparently when Benson got out of prison they offered him a deal at that time to take down Mordecai and his men.

I had asked Benson why he didn't accept the offer before and he told me that at the time, he just wanted to forget everything and move on with his life, or at least TRY to.

Earlier this morning (a few hours before school had started) we met up with a few agents, including the one we called. They met up with us at the house but in 'civilian' clothes and didn't have their badges showing or guns or anything to give away who they really were.

To be honest, it was a little nerve wrecking and had never imagined I would ever have been in this position.

"Here's the deal Ms. Amberson." The agent begins to tell me. "You're gonna wear a wire to school. You are also going to get in Mordecai's car and meet with him still. We don't want you to worry, cause we'll be listening and we'll be following you as well. So if anything happened, we'd be there to intervene immediately." He assures me.

I nod my head in agreement.

"Okay." I reply. "I still am not sure how this is going to work." I say under my breath.

"I know you're scared and that's normal. But think of this as a movie role and you're an actress playing an undercover agent who needs to take down one of the biggest and most fearful gang leaders in the U.S." He suggests.

"I guess." I tell him as I still am not sure I can pull this off.

"Baby, it's okay. You'll be fine." I hear Benson say in my ear as he gently squeezed my hand and smiled at me. Which that helped me feel a little bit better and more confident about doing this.

"Okay. So after he takes me to where he wants to, you guys will follow us and as I get ready to do the job, you guys take him and his guys down, right?" I ask.

"Yes." The agent smiles at me.

"Alright." I agree.

"Good." The agent says before he looks over at the other agent who hands him tape and a wire then stands up and walks over towards me where he hands it to me and tells me where to put it.

So I head into the bathroom since it has to go on my stomach and up underneath my bra. Then I put my shirt back on and took a look in the mirror at myself not believing what I was just about to do. So I took in a deep breath and then let it out before heading back to everyone in the living room.

"It's on." I tell them while grabbing my bag.

"Good. We don't need to check for sound or anything because we were able to hear you in there." He chuckles a little to himself.

Benson glares at him and the agent then clears his throat.

"Well, you should be getting to school. Remember, we won't leave you." He reassures me one final time before I Benson and I walk towards the truck as Kent takes his own car and we head off towards school.

Of course, Kent gets there first and heads into the school and then we pull up a couple minutes later.

Benson kisses me goodbye and lowly tells me in my ear, to just breathe and that I got this.

That helps me as I give him another kiss and then wave goodbye before starting to make my way into the school.

The day went as usual except it seemed to last longer and it was harder to concentrate more than it usually is. But I hung in there of course.

Then after school was over, I made my way outside and sure enough, right on time, there was a man wearing a nice dark suit with his hair slicked back and dark sunglasses that you could tell was one of Mordecai's men.

I let out a deep breath I had just taken and made my way towards the guy as he starts opening the door for me.

"Mordecai's waiting for you inside." He smirks.

Suddenly I start getting a sick and nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. However, I need to do this to save Leona. So I take a seat inside and sitting right beside me next to the other side of the passenger door, was Mordecai.

"Care for a drink?" He offers.

"I'm good, thanks." I reply.

"Hmm.." He says before taking a look down at his phone after it buzzes in his pocket. He starts scrolling on his phone for a brief moment as I just sit there trying not to show how nervous I am.

Then as I look out the corner of my eye, I notice him start to look upset as his face begins to brighten up and he starts squeezing his phone tighter and tighter before turning his head and grinning at me.

"I-is everything okay?" I ask.

"You've been a very bad girl. Such a shame." He says and then before I could do or say anything else, one of his men who was sitting across from us next to another big guy, leaped forward and covered my mouth and nose with a cloth and everything quickly became blurry before darkness replaced it.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Hey sorry guys, going through some family stuff today of a situation that has been going on now for almost two weeks and has taken a big ugly turn, so I apologize for the late posts but I am off of work tomorrow and since writing for you all helps get through hard times, look for another chapter tomorrow (since it's still Monday my time) and I will post two chapters for 'Aftermath' as well. Cause I'm really tired right now. But I hope you all enjoy this and again, I appreciate the comments, patience, love and support from all of you. One of these days, I plan to give back to all of you as my fans with contests and gifts. :) love you all and am also SUPER EXCITED actually about the next chapter to this one AND for 'Aftermath' as well, which I think you guys will like also. :);)

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