EPILOGUE: 3 Years Later

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I'm trying really hard to believe that everything I went through was real. I sometimes pretend that it was a movie and I was an actress playing a character. The kind of character who was shy, timid, and let people walk over her.

I know what you must be thinking. You're probably wondering in why I'm talking about myself in such a way. Well, the best answer, the honest answer is that I have changed within these last couple of years.

I became more confident and a lot more emotionally and mentally stronger than ever and I owe it to Benson.

After everything went down that day and what was left of the FBI agents, they arrested all of Mordecai's men who too were still alive and sentenced them to prison without being eligible for parole ever.

Kent has since proven himself to me and how he really was sorry for the way he had treated me most of my life and has been (I can't believe I'm gonna say this) but, we are actually good friends. I mean, not the greatest but it's a work in progress and we both have come so far. In fact, speaking of which, surprisingly enough, he went to college a few months after he graduated and went to become a therapist. Go figure huh?!

Max and Benson's construction business blew up very quickly and is still going stronger than ever before, just as he has always wanted to be honest.

Then as for Liona, she decided to go back to Indiana where she was originally from and stay with her cousin for a while until she figured out what she wanted to do with her life.

Then there's of course Nora and the 'parents' we shared. Yeah, just as it always had been and everything since she came into my family. But to be honest, my parents didn't care she was cruel or anything because once again, they bought into her little girl Ms. I'm Innocent act and just like always, didn't care.

Then that leaves just me I suppose. Just like I mentioned towards the beginning, I became more confident and am no longer the quiet and timid easy to walk over kind of a girl anymore and had both Benson and I travel for several months the first year after I graduated high school because I still  wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do just yet.

I had gone back and forth in my head multiple times in thinking about what I wanted to do as a career but wasn't sure until I decided to study to become a kindergarten teacher. I have always loved kids and even though school wasn't my favorite years of my life, I figured at least this way it's little kids and to me would be a lot more fun.

To me, as a movie buff, I have come to realize just how I look at life itself. Which is that it's a lot like a movie to me. Except there is no rewind, pause or fast forward, only Play and Stop. Besides, we don't want to change our pasts. Just leaves you feeling sorry for yourself sometimes and even causes regret. When the truth is, whatever happened in my life has lead me to the person I am today and will become eventually.

In the meantime, I'm gonna enjoy my life for the first time ever with a great and amazing man who I can't wait to take his last name and be the father of our future kids. I am so blessed and so very lucky that there aren't any words. I am the happiest I have ever been and wouldn't trade any of this life for anything in the world.

                             The End

Sorry it's the end and just like all of my other stories, it's sad to see it end.
:(:(  However, I have those other two that will be posted by Monday and that I hope you enjoy. Love you all very much and am grateful to have you fans in my life. In all sincerity, thanks!! :):)

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