CHAPTER 14: It's JUST The Beginning

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Damn how did I miss her when I was in school?! Then having her wake up in my arms just made everything better. 

I'm so happy she didn't turn me down when asking her to be mine. I've never wanted to be with anybody else as bad before.

After finishing taking a shower and getting ready, I take one final look in the mirror then head out towards in the mirror then head out towards the truck and right as I turn on the engine, my cell phone goes off. 

Irritated, I took it out of my pocket and saw it was a call from an unknown number although my gut and the sick feeling I had in my stomach knew who it had to be. 

"Yeah?!" I answered. 

"Finally your ass picks up the phone." Max tells me. 

"Hey man. Where are you?" I ask. 

"I'm outside in the back of a bar because I needed to tell you that a few of the guys from work and I were having a few drinks and shooting some pool when we saw both Nora and Kent walk in with Mordecai's nephew and his friends. Then they headed in the back room and I'm not able to get back there but I have a feeling that something is about to go down of some sort. I'm thinking it's a transaction of drugs because Mordecai's nephew was carrying a backpack as was Kent. And I've seen this type of thing before and I'm sure that your brother is either dealing or and taking drugs." He states. 

This was all I needed right now. Trying to take Mystique out on a date and my brother has to fuck it up with this!

"Fuck! I'm about to pick up Mystique and take her out." I say. 

"Ah man. Shit! I'm sorry. Well, how about you and her still go out and if I see anything going on that's serious enough to call you up, I will?" He suggests. 

"You sure?" I ask. 

"Hell yeah. I like Mystique and want you to finally see you be with a great girl like her." HE chuckles. 

"Okay. Thanks. I owe you one." I laugh.

"Eh, just name one of your kids after me." He says both half serious and half jokingly. 

"Alright." I tell him. 

Before taking off to go and get her, I take in a few deep breaths and let them out before I turn on the radio and start listening to some music while on my way to get her. Which makes me start wondering about what kind of music she likes. 

I can't wait to get to know more about her. She's already got me hooked and intrigued. I'm definitely, by far, way more interested in her than I've ever been in a girl. I've also gotten the vibe that maybe she's more mature for her age. 

I'm not ready to tell her about Mordecai and stuff like that yet. I plan to see where that is going before I say anything. But on the other hand, I know I can't put it off for too long neither. 

I finally pull up in front of her house and ring the doorbell.....Damn, why do I feel so nervous as if this was my first date ever?

Lucky for both Mystique and I though, Nora was still gone and what made things even better was that tonight, Mystique had no idea that I had planned to take her to a couple of places that's just one hour away where I know that nobody around here really goes to. 

The moment she had opened the door, I couldn't help but check her out as I took my time looked her up and down with her pair of nice dressed looking jeans that hugged her curves along with her top that complimented the pair of jeans. 

"You look amazing." I compliment her. 

"Thank you. So do you." She replies while returning a smile. 

While on our way, I decide to tell her where we're going and why. 

"I just figured that this way you could enjoy yourself and not have to worry about running into people you don't like." I smile at her. 

"I appreciate it." She smiles back at me. 

Tonight, I'm going to make sure is great that she'll get an idea of how great and how much better things are going to be from now on........Tonight, is JUST the beginning. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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