Hair that Defies Gravity

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Bold - Inner

Italics - Sakura responding to Inner

Bold and Italicized - Sakura and Inner both speaking at the same time

Enjoy and comment!

It's been a couple of months since I befriended Naruto and I have to admit life has gotten a lot louder. When I brought Naruto home I expected mom and dad to lash out at Naruto but one look at our entwined hands and they smiled.

After that Naruto was basically family, he stayed at our house and we shared a room. Mom didn't want Naruto to go back to the old run down apartment that he once called home. Dad finally had a son, so he was glowing with happiness and to tell the truth despite all the ruckus I was happy Naruto was safe and happy.

Of course another upside to his move in I was finally able to solve the case. Naruto was a jinchuriki, it made sense to why people treated him like they did, he held a monster. Although the history books said that Minato killed the Nine Tails, the people during the time knew the truth, though they never said it out loud nor shared it with each other.

During the attack Minato the Fourth Hokage and Kushina sealed the Tailed Beast inside of a baby, more specifically Naruto. It made sense the Uzumaki were known for their fuinjutsu, Naruto's mother Kushina Uzumaki the previous nine tail was able to seal the beast in Naruto before sacrificing herself and Minato to save their child, Naruto.

Slowly things started adding up as well as the guilt built inside of me for not saving Naruto earlier. But the fact that he's right here next to me smiling because I saved him gives me a feeling of reassurance. I try not to dwell on the past especially when the future seems to be getting brighter.

A smile draws to my face when I remember Naruto's birthday a few months ago. It was Naruto's 6th birthday when dad adopted Naruto, I chuckle, Naruto cried so hard that day. He wouldn't let go of dad when he finally asked Naruto the big question. I was also really happy, I mean I had a little brother to bully now.

Cough cough, sadist, Inner smirked. As if she didn't like it, I rolled my eyes. I turn my head to face Naruto as he nudged me. I raised an eyebrow, "What did Inner say?"

Naruto was the only one who knew of my darker alternative personality, I smile and nodded to his notes then faced Iruka sensei. Iruka sensei continued to rambled on about the Will of Fire, and the what it meant to be a ninja. The responsibility and burden of being a shinobi, as if I didn't already know this stuff.

"NARUTO!!!!!" I look over only to find that Naruto performed to sexy jutsu on Iruka sensei, "NARUTO COME BACK HERE!!!" just like that Naruto runs out the classroom, I guess we're ditching class!

"Excuse me Iruka sensei, I'll go after him," I stand up.

"S-sure," Iruka sensei replies stuttering as he tries to cover up his bloody nose. I walk down isle and as I pass Shikamaru I hear him mutter troublesome. I smirk at him, "Troublesome indeed," Inner laughs at Shikamaru face.

I walk out of the school and aimlessly walk around the village. The village seemed happy today, the sky was bright and blue without a single cloud in sight.

Apparently walking with you head in the clouds isn't a good idea because I ended up hitting a wall, a really hard wall. But it ended up not being a wall.

"Oh sorry mister!" I bow. When I looked up I saw a clown, or at least I think it's a clown. I mean he didn't have make up like a clown but his hair seemed to defy gravity. I mean if he wasn't a clown then how could his hair do that?

Who care about that, he's a totally hottie!!! Girl pull on your sexiest face and go beg for some of him!

Taking a closer look I realized that he was Kakashi Hatake the copy ninja, and he covered in blood.

"Sir if you want, I can heal your wounds," I said looking up at him.

"Oh? How old are you little girl?"

"I am 6 years old, sir but I do know medical ninjutsu. I can heal your wounds if you wish." Hatake-san bends down to my level, I bring my hands up to his face and cup it. I close my eyes in concentration, I slowly push my chakra to my hands, focusing on the steady streams. When I open my eyes most of the wounds have closed and for some reason he looked even hotter. you think he likes it rough?

I step back and give him my best smile, "There you go, sir!"

"Yes, thank you! What is your name girl," he smiles his closed eye smile.

"My name is Sakura, Haruno Sakura and now Hatake-san owes me!" I chirp.

Just like that the happy atmosphere disappeared. Now I have a powerful ninja who owes me, this could be very beneficial in the future. I smile at his disbelief, "You shouldn't have let your guard down even to a child like me, even students know that. Well I have to go now Hatake-san, I'll see you around!"

I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot of him

I think so too Inner, he's going to become a valuable asset in the near future

To protect Naruto?

To protect Naruto


Knowing Naruto, I found him at Ichiraku's Ramen stand, predictable.


"Naruto you know mom is going to pissed at you for skipping class and eating before dinner," I watch with a smile as Naruto's face drains will all trace of blood, mom is pretty scary when you make her angry, she could probably make a grown man cry.

"Y-yeah b-but I'll still eat her food, she's the best cook besides Tenuch!"

"Sure but you still skipped school, you're already dead last in class now your just proving to the teacher that you can't become a shinobi"

"But I have you to tutor me. Just watch me I'm going to prove those bastards -"

"Language!" I bonked him on the head

"I'm going to become the number one ninja in the whole world and then I will become hokage, everyone is going to have to respect me, datebayo!" Naruto jumps up and pumps the air with his fists, I smile,

"And I will be there with you all the way, making sure nothing will stop you!"

Naruto stops jumping and brings me into a hug, "SAKURA!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!"

I smile and hug Naruto back

We promise to be right by your side forever!

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