Chapter 2: Removals and Letters

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The new room they had entered was different than the last. It was still made entirely of stone, but there had been a bunch of different cubicles with a bunch of different goblins in them with beds as well.

"Choose a chamber, and removed your clothing down to your underwear. Lay in one of the beds, while you do that I will get this to one of the other goblins who will remove your blocks," Griphook said before he turned to walk away, leaving Damien on his own.

Damien chose the closest chamber to him and proceeded to strip from his clothing. Once he was down to his boxers, he climbed into one of the beds and waited for Griphook to return.

Griphook returned not even a moment later with a larger goblin trailing behind him, "Mr. Riddle, this is Steeljaw. He will be the one to remove the blocks, spells, charms, and potions from you as well as the blood adoption," Griphook said as he looked at Harry.

"Thank you, Griphook," Damien said, and Griphook offered a small nod of his head before moving to the far side of the chamber. Steeljaw approached Damien.

"I will need you to relax, Mr. Riddle," Steeljaw said and Damien laid back, closing his eyes to relax a bit. Steeljaw began mumbling in goblin language, and Damien remained as still as possible.

Some of the blocks being removed caused him great pain, but he tried to remain still as he clenched his jaw tightly. It took an entire hour for all of the blocks, spells, and such to be removed and when they were done Damien felt better than ever.

"Everything has been removed, Mr. Riddle," Steeljaw finally said, and Damien slowly sat up in the bed, "Your appearance has changed as well. Would you like to see?"

"Yes, I would," Damien said quickly. Steeljaw waved a hand and a long mirror appeared against the wall in the room. Damien climbed out of the bed and made his way towards the mirror.

He couldn't see very well, his vision was blurred. He frowned at this and removed his glasses, letting out a gasp as he realized he could see clearly without them. And what he saw shocked him to the core. He had grown a bit taller, no longer standing at just 5'9 but 5'11 almost 6'0 now. His hair had grown a bit. His bangs still existed but only hung a bit over his left eye now instead of both eyes, and in the back his hair reached just above his shoulders. His eyes, were no longer the green of his adoptive mother but a dark brown with hints of red in them.

Overall, Damien had to admit he looked pretty good. Damien turned to look at Griphook and Steeljaw, "Thank you both. Feel free to take 500 galleons each from the Potter vault before you shut it down. I would like the money in the vault to be transferred to the Peverell Vault instead."

"Of course, Mr. Riddle, right away. Anything else, Sir?"

"Yes, I was wondering if you had the address of Lucius Malfoy. I would like to pay the Malfoys a visit. After all, we are family," Damien said with a casual smirk.

"Yessir! We will have it for you before you leave," Griphook said, and Damien nodded his head, "Meet me out front once you are dressed to finalize everything," Griphook said before he traveled off. Damien was left to get himself dressed. He quickly realized he would have to go shopping soon to buy new clothes. He refused to walk around in Dudley's hand me downs any long.

Once he was dressed, the young wizard was led out of the room by Steeljaw and to the front of the bank to meet Griphook, "Here is the address to Malfoy Manor," Griphook handed a small sheet of parchment to Damien, "If you'd like you may use our floo system or the system at the Leaky Cauldron. Thank you for visiting us, Mr. Riddle. And welcome to the right side."

Damien just flashed a small smirk at Griphook before shoving the parchment into his pocket and turning to leave the bank. He would visit the Malfoys tomorrow. It was late, and he did not want to be hexed accidentally for storming into their home this late at night. Damien, instead, made his way towards the wall that exited Diagon Alley to the Leakey Cauldron.

After tapping the wall with his wand, he stepped through it when it opened and walked into the bar/bed and breakfast. He made his way to the bar and he cleared his throat, "One room for the night, please," he said.

The older wizard lifted his head and stared at Damien for a moment. Damien was worried that the man would recognize him as Harry Potter, and he waited with baited breath to see what the man would say.

"That'll be 200 Galleons," the owner grunted, and Damien instantly pulled out the money, setting it on the counter, "Here's ya key. Don't cause no trouble."

Damien nodded his head once and made his way up the stairs towards the rooms. He looked at his key to check the number of the room he would be in. Once he found it, he unlocked the door and stepped inside. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Hedwig flying outside the window, tapping her beak against it.

"Hedwig!" Damien smiled as he raced towards the window to unlock it. His snowy owl flew into the room and perched herself up on the desk in the room, "Just the owl I wanted to see. I'm going to need you to send a few letters around for me tonight, alright?"

The owl cooed and Damien reached to pet her head, "Good girl," and before long Damien went to work. He wrote two letters. One to Hermione and one to Lucius Malfoy. The one addressed to Hermione read.

Dear 'Mione

I'm sorry I haven't written to you all summer. I'm sure that you've written to me, yet I haven't received a single letter. But this is not why I am writing. I know Dumbledore has tried to pay you to be my friend, and I know you refused to take the money.

You've always been a good friend to me, Hermione, and that is why I want you to know the truth. I cannot tell you in this letter, however. You must see me in person. I am currently staying at the Leaky Cauldron. My room number is 411.

See me tomorrow morning. There is much that needs to be done, and I will need your help to accomplish it. Thank you for being my one true friend.

Oh, and P.S. destroy this letter after you read it. Leave no trace of it behind.

Your friend,

       Damien Riddle, once known as Harry Potter.

Once Damien finished writing, he put the parchment in an envelope and marked it. Then he went to work writing Lucius Malfoy.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

You may not really know me, but I know you. I also know that you work for the Dark Lord. I would like permission to enter your home tomorrow afternoon around 4pm. I have been lied to and deceived by the light. I have spent my entire life thinking I was someone I wasn't.

I want to return home, to my true friends and family. But I will need your help. So please, find it in your heart to assist me. You know who I am, and you know my true father. You know that you can trust me, as I know I can trust you. Do not let me down.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope to receive your owl no later than noon with your answer. Help me, Godfather.


        Damien Riddle, once known as Harry Potter.

He put this in an envelop as well and marked it. He turned to Hedwig, holding both letters in his hand, "This one goes straight to Hermione. Give it to her in person, and only when she is alone," he said as he held up the letter addressed to Hermione in one hand. Hedwig cooed to show she understood, and so Damien continued, "And this one goes to Lucius Malfoy. Make sure they both receive these letters tonight, understood?"

Hedwig cooed again before snatching both letters from Damien in her beak. Damien watched as she spread her wings and flew out of the window. He sighed as he slumped in the desk chair, running a hand through his hair. Time to set this plan into motion.

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