Chapter 12: Confessions Part II

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Morgana's POV
Morgana was sitting in the library. She found that she didn't particularly like the Hogwarts library as much as she used to when she was known as Hermione Granger. It wasn't as big as her one back home and it didn't hold all of her favorites. But she supposed it would do until she returned home. She would be sure to bring books from home for her to read when they return after Christmas break. If they return that is. She wasn't really sure what Lord Voldemort had up his sleeve.

"I should have known I'd find you here," said a familiar voice that had Morgana glancing up to look at the Slytherin girl that slid into the seat next to her, "Why do you even bother reading in here? The common room or even our room is much better and at least it lacks the presence of Gryffindors," Pansy said the house name with utter disgust as she glanced around the library at the few Gryffindors present within.

"I can't take this book out of the library, and so I must read it in the library," Morgana said as she flipped through the pages of the book before her.

"What is it?" Pansy questioned as she tried to peer over her fellow Slytherin's shoulder to get a look.

"A bunch of nonsense," Morgana huffed as she slammed the book shut. She closed her eyes as she ran her fingers through her hair. She was beginning to grow frustrated. Lord Voldemort had given her a specific order to get some information for him, and she couldn't find anything in these books here, "I'm not finding anything useful."

Pansy frowned as she reached up to rub small circles into Morgana's back, "It's only the first day, Gana, you have a whole term to search for answers. You can't expect to find them all in one day."

Morgana huffed in annoyance as her frown deepened, she stared at the book in front of her silently before turning to look at Pansy, "I suppose you're right. I just-."

"Want to be the overachiever you are and find answers sooner rather than later," Pansy smirked slightly at the girl beside her. Morgana rolled her eyes at Pansy's choice of words.

"I suppose that's one way to word it," Morgana said indifferently, and Pansy in turn smirked at the daughter of the Dark Lord's second-in-command.

"Come on," Pansy said as she rose to her feet and held her hand out to Morgana. Morgana's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked at the other girl.

"Where are we going?"

"You need to take a break, and I need to get away from these Gryffindors who can't seem to stop glaring at us before I curse them all," Pansy said with a casual shrug. Morgana hesitated for a moment before she took Pansy's hand in her own and allowed the young daughter of a Death Eater to help her to her feet.

The two of them left the library side by side, hands still intertwined. Those who knew the pair knew that this wasn't a strange occurrence. Ever since the two dark females met they had been a touchy pair. Most chalked it up to them just being the best of friends. It was true in a sense, but Morgana knew that there was something more between them.

Well at least, on her end there was. She was falling for Pansy Parkinson, and she was falling fast. She had been since the moment Pansy's eyes met hers. She was just really good at hiding it. Pansy seemed to be even better because Morgana was clueless as to if the other Slytherin felt the same way about her or not.

She refused to make the first move because she didn't want to ruin the friendship they had. Pansy was easily one of her best friends next to Damien and Draco, and she didn't want to lose that. She refused to. And so, she suffered in silence and hoped that one day she would have the courage to actually tell the other girl how she felt.

"I saw Blaise and Damien snogging on my way here," Pansy spoke up randomly as she and Morgana made their way through the corridors side by side.

"You did?" Morgana perked up at the news. She was happy her brother in all but blood finally figured out what he wanted and went for it. It was starting to grow annoying the game that he and Blaise were playing, "Finally. It took them long enough. Who did you think made the first move?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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